the white rose society

Anti-fascist researchers in so-called Australia

On the 26th of January 2025, 17 people were arrested in Adelaide over a public stunt organised by members of the National Socialist Network (NSN).

We've provided a list of the 16 adult arrestees as an open call-out for any further detail you might be able to provide:

  • Do you know one of them through work?
  • The local shops?
  • Are they mates with your mates?
  • Did you go to school together?
  • Anything else of interest no matter how big or small.

Help us by sharing any verifiable information by securely dropping us a line at You'll remain anonymous.

The information we're providing here is not exhaustive and is only given as an identification aid. We've omitted some information we already possess, but don't let that deter you from sending us a tip. Suburbs listed below are retrieved from either court or police reports, and may not exactly reflect the person's home suburb.

There will be a follow-up to this piece in the near future, similarly seeking any community contributions of information on a range of NSN members and associates aside from those arrested in Adelaide on January 26. Please consider subscribing to our blog to get an email notification once this follow-up has been published.
1 – Shannen George Bartel 24, Brompton, SA (inner-north Adelaide)

Known bonehead (right-wing skinhead) in Adelaide. Has attended Adelaide NSN rallies in the past, however it is claimed that he is not a member.
2 – Gavin Begbie 58, Woodburn, NSW (Northern Rivers area)

Long-term neo-Nazi who runs the Woodburn Amateur Boxing Club (previously Hammer & Tongs Fitness out of the same business address.)
3 – Logan Boucher 25, Sandford, TAS

Also pictured being detained in Sydney on January 26, 2024.
4 – Nathan Bull 23, Sunbury, VIC

Often spotted barefoot in public. The son of a former Victoria Police officer.
5 – Graham Connolly 41, Newcomb, VIC (Geelong area)

Irish migrant with family still living in Ireland. He lives in the Geelong area but regularly travels to various locations across Melbourne.
6 – Jacob Glen Cooper 29, Kingswood, NSW (Penrith area)
7 – Joel Davis 29, Wantirna South VIC
8 – Ethan Hendren 23, Wantirna South, VIC

Allegedly in a long term relationship with a minor.
9 – James Allen Holliday 25, Marangaroo, WA
10 – Matthew Pullen 31, Banora Point, NSW (Northern Rivers/Tweed Shire area)

While Pullen's Banora Point address is within New South Wales, he is more directly associated with the Queensland NSN cell over the border.
11 – Mason James Robbins 30, Clarkson, WA
12 – Sean Roberts 21, Oatley, NSW (Hurstville area)

Easily recognisable in photos shared by the NSW branch of NSN, and is involved with the Sydney-based neo-Nazi graffiti crew Death Valley Collective (DVC). We have included a photo of Roberts with Blue of DVC riding on his shoulders to avoid confusion.
13 – Thomas Sewell 31, Wantirna South, VIC

Leader of the European Australian Movement, ostensibly the community-building arm of the National Socialist Network. Works in construction for an associate of the organisation.
14 – Richard Tinsley 36, Taromeo, QLD (South Burnett region)
15 – Stephen Wells 56, Broadwater, WA (Busselton area)

Local council candidate for Busselton, WA. He claims to not be a national socialist but regularly promotes the National Socialist Network and shares their extreme views on minorities.
16 – Alexander Zaslavsky 25, address unknown

tl;dr: Racist bigot who pals around with neo-Nazis is a well-connected Victorian Liberal Party member who stood for local council elections as an independent.

Ex Victorian Liberal Party parliamentarian Moira Deeming has told the court over the past few weeks that she has no association with the far-Right whatsoever – we're not quite sure that's true. Join us as we pull the thread on one Deeming ally with dubious connections.

Content Warning: Extreme anti-Indigenous racism, antisemitism, transphobia, homophobia.

After the champagne had all been drunk, the neo-Nazis who accepted the invitation to join UK visitor Posie Parker AKA Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull's protest on the steps of the Victorian parliament in March 2023 must have had mixed feelings. On the one hand, they were enormously chuffed that such a small action had garnered them so much attention. Front pages, on TV, radio, discussed by every media company and on every platform. On the other, the reality that even their proximate presence was enough to scuttle a career was settling in – and did not bode well for the future of their political project. A few days after the Let Women Speak rally, they gathered on far-Right streaming platform Rumble to share their thoughts.

It was here that Australian style icon and cataloguer of transphobic nonsense Pauline Pantsdown made note of a most curious interaction.

Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull has a history of Islamophobia, so it’s not surprising that her supporters would hate Muslims.

Pantsdown then follows this with another observation.

The phenomenon on display here is part of a well-established pattern where people think they can ally with neo-Nazis on one particular issue only to discover that if you are not a straight white male, you’ll always be lesser.

On this occasion, however, Pantsdown received an odd response. The person behind the IStandWithMoiraDeeming account jumped into their replies from an account called Victoria Says No to challenge the accusation of naivety:

This got us wondering – just how closely did Victoria Says No actually stand with Moira Deeming?

Victoria Says No.

First of all, Victoria Says No has made a few replies to Deeming.

In June of 2023, they post a very familiar reply:

In July of 2023, while replying to ‘Moi’, they refer to themselves as a fellow “extremist” woman in the party.

In May of 2024 they complained to Deeming about how long it takes them to get from their work at the World Trade Centre building in Melbourne to Exhibition Street (and all of the Asian fast food they are forced to go past):

Deeming agrees that it’s atrocious:

Moira Deeming is not the only person that Victoria Says No replies to.

In this tweet from July 2023, they are chastising National Socialist Network member Jimeone Roberts for “begging for shekels” through a GiveSendGo fundraiser. Roberts was convicted in August of 2022 after he affixed swastika stickers to the offices of Jewish MP David Southwick.

It seems that their relationship with Roberts must have soured. Back in August of 2022, they tweeted that they had actually donated to one of Roberts’ fundraisers themselves:

Roberts found himself having an extended nap after a night out on the town spending money extorted from The Irish Times pub went south.

Like Roberts, MP Tim Smith has also had issues with his licence, but this was not what Victoria Says No wished to discuss with him in July of 2022.

In May of 2024 they reply to a terrible meme from neo-Nazi Daniel Seery-Walker.

As exposed by the ABC, Walker was a key propagandist for the neo-Nazi contingent of the No campaign against the Voice For Parliament.

Victoria Says No also seems to have had some involvement in the No campaign. In October 2023 they tweet that they are in charge of coordinating No volunteers in an electorate in South-East Melbourne.

The reason for this involvement is made clear in other tweets – they’re very concerned about the Aboriginal takeover of Australia via Welcome To Country ceremonies.

In another tweet she says that her colleagues in the water sector were shocked by recent changes to Indigenous management of water in Victoria.

They’re definitely not a fan of Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus.

And also not a huge fan of us (what did we do?!) – as seen in this reply to neo-Nazi Tom Sewell.

A number of their recent replies are to a now-suspended account which belonged to Victorian Proud Boy leader Jon Field, also known as OzRocka.

They complain about technical issues in a Twitter Space:

They link to a lecture by infamous Australian antisemite Eric Butler:

And they link to the Facebook page of a council campaign by Liberal Party activist Louise Black.

Unfortunately Jon Field’s Twitter account has been suspended (no mean feat on Elon Musk’s X) so we can’t see why Victoria Says No was promoting Louise to him, but we thought it might be worth looking into.

So who is Louise Black?

Louise recently ran as a candidate in the Victorian council elections, contesting the Melaleuca ward in the City of Kingston, in Melbourne’s South-East.

In her response to an Age survey, she described herself as being a current member of the Liberal Party.

Louise has recently locked down her personal Facebook, but before she did we were able to glean a number of interests from her Facebook activity.

She is very involved in animal rescue – with a particular fondness for bats and flying foxes.

Louise campaigned strongly against The Voice – even adminning a Facebook group (also recently removed) called The Truth About The Voice alongside fellow Black Rock Liberal branch member David Frauman and Freedom Party candidate Greg Cheesman.

She is Facebook friends with Proud Boys leader Jon Field, who has liked some of her posts, including this posting of a One Nation video on October 18 2024.

And she is friends with Moira Deeming, having stood with her at the Let Women Speak rally.

On July 29, 2023, Moira Deeming and Peta Credlin held an event celebrating Liberal Values at the Mercure Hotel in Caroline Springs, where members of the party could rub shoulders with such esteemed politicians as Alex Antic, Sarah Henderson and Claire Chandler.

In attendance was one Louise Black.

Not only did she attend, but in one Facebook comment she takes credit for the stunning decor.

There are definitely some points in common between Louise Black and Victoria Says No – but we wondered if there might be more.

We discovered that Louise Black is employed by a well-known business in the water sector, which is owned by her father. This year they moved into their new offices in the World Trade Centre building in Melbourne.

In one Facebook comment discussing the Suburban Rail Link, she mentions that her work takes her to the Mallee.

And until recently, Louise Black was the admin of a Facebook group called Dan Andrews Must Go. A Facebook group whose original name was Victorians Say No. Although this Facebook Group is now gone, the accompanying Facebook Page still remains. The most recent post is a link to a song called Hey There Australia by the musical artist White Flight.

Oh, you say it's for the greater good, but what about our neighbourhood, our traditions and values pushed aside in our own land? We're feeling tonight. Oh, it's what they've done to our homeland. They've allowed the replacement. It's hard to understand

The YouTube page for White Flight instructs the reader on who they should contact if they want to hear a live performance of this ode to the Great Replacement conspiracy theory: L Black.

During her run for council, Louise Black received a strong endorsement from conspiracist activist Joel Jammal’s Turning Point Australia. She explained why in a Facebook comment.

On Twitter, Victoria Says No had also made reference to the so-called Freedom Movement.

In the comment here, ‘Haz’ refers to Harrison McLean, the Melbourne anti-lockdown protest organiser whose involvement in antisemitic Telegram chats was exposed by us with The Guardian in 2021.

It seemed likely that if we were to take a look on Telegram, we might find some trace of Louise Black.

Down the bat hole.

We didn’t have to look far.

In our archives of Harrison McLean’s Melbourne Freedom Rally chat, we found a user with the handle ‘Batw0m’ and the screen name ‘Louise B’ who posted several links to Louise Black’s Victorians Say No/Dan Andrews Must Go Facebook group, and also made reference to a history of animal activism.

Batw0m posted in the MFR chat in the second half of 2021, sometimes live from protests, like these posts on August 21:

Whoevers down at flinders intersection, the people who are throwing the bottles and flares for the love of god everyone take as many photos as you can of them and pm them to me, they are not protesters they are cfmeu members there to agitate I’m being serious they are plants I’ve just seen on the live footage two I know to be. I’m walking down there now but start taking photos now cos they’ll agitate and provoke the cops then will move off when PORT start responding Or someone keep an eye on them and follow them when they move out We need photos of this cos mark my words this is going to be used as the justification for stage 4 Forget about PORT. Get photos of the people who threw the glass bottles and are instigating They won’t be faces anyone recognises I’ll expose the ids when as cfmeu organisers I just need photos of their faces doing shit my legs can’t carry me any faster down there FORGET ABOUT THE POLICE FOR A SECOND, just get those people throwing the missiles and provoking then follow them Please This is a ppo/vth engineered setup and they’re going to get away with it if someone doesn’t frigging listen ffs and start taking photos of them Whatever then, let them manipulate you all like a bunch of pawns instead of exposing them for who they are

Some might suggest that the idea that Daniel Andrew’s Private Office (PPO) and Victorian Trades Hall had engaged CFMEU agent provocateurs to bring in Stage 4 lockdown restrictions smacks of conspiracy theory, but many of Batw0m’s other contributions to the MFR chat were criticising the other participants for their own conspiracy theories. In particular, she felt that the movement would do better if they moved away from subjects like vaccines and paedophile rings, and concentrated on more grounded and concrete demands. She was also unimpressed with the movement taking orders from Freemason-obsessed Karen Brewer, who – from her safe haven in New Zealand – was instructing people in Australia to protest outside empty government buildings.

This attitude didn’t win her many friends.

We also found another Telegram account which claimed responsibility for the Victoria Says No Twitter account. The following exchange took place in the Telegram chat of Margo Huss, a Christian fascist who is perhaps best known for accompanying neo-Nazi Neil Erikson when he invaded an LGBT-friendly church.

This account, Eerie Eerukandji, had used a number of profile pictures on Telegram.

The most recent one was of a blonde woman with a ponytail tending to a bat.

Another was a manipulated image of Indigenous activist Marcia Langton.

And yet another was a picture of a flying fox pulling at a woman’s blonde hair.

Another name used by this Telegram account was Batwaff3n, a reference to the Waffen-SS, the military branch of the Nazi Schutzstaffel.

One of this account’s contributions is the creation of racist & antisemitic wildlife-themed Telegram sticker packs.

These Telegram stickers are all in breach of the Australian Federal government’s anti-swastika legislation.

Between August of 2023 and June of 2024, this account made over 22,000 comments in the Telegram chat of Brisbane-based neo-Nazi Daniel Seery-Walker. They also commented in other chats belonging to Young Liberal turned neo-Nazi Stefan Eracleous and Proud Boy Tim Wilms.

In June 2024, this account abruptly stops posting – only for a new account called Batwoman to take its place. As Batwoman, they explain that they lost access to their old account.

This Batwoman account has posted nearly 3000 comments in Daniel Walker’s chat since June.

You might be wondering how anyone finds the time.


On August 22, 2024, Batwoman posted live from a cultural induction she was supposed to be attending for a pump substation in a lake.

I am literally sitting in a cultural heritage induction right now for a big project we're starting and this coon is literally talking about bunyips
as in to be careful of disturbing the bunyips when we're installing the subby pump station in the lake
I can't imagine what my very bad poker face looks like he keeps looking at me

it beats sitting here listening to this coon tripping on lsd or something, now he's talking about the fukn magical rainbow snek
I'm trying not to piss myself laughing
he looks distractingly identical to Bruce Pascoe as well
it's not him cos this is uncle greg
but still

I'm very intently telegramming pretending it's work emails

In 2022, Louise made a chaotic appearance on the podcast of American neo-Nazi Jovi Val as ‘Batwaffen’ to discuss her involvement in organising anti-Andrews ‘Kill The Bill’ rallies using the Dan Andrews Must Go Facebook group.

When some trolls joined the call and accused her of a romantic entanglement with fellow ex Young Liberal-turned-NSN “treasurer” Stefan Eracleous, she explained that she didn’t have time to discuss such matters because she was doing the podcast from her desk at work.

Her work in the water sector would come up frequently in the chats – as would her racist and conspiratorial disdain for the Indigenous people she was forced to interact with.

Kim jong Dan has handed over control of our water utilities up in the mallee in one of the treaties that the government has signed. our boys had some abos from the land council come onto site a few weeks ago for a pump station project were building and told them tools down they're reviewing all the projects. in the treaty they also gave them right to preferred procurement. it's going to be an absolute disaster, and it was all done in secret. noone from the Shire councils had any idea, noone from the water utilities, no farmers federations or any of the stock & domestic water coops noone

In this screenshot, Telegram user ‘FreshFire’ (former Queensland Lads Society leader Grant Fuller) scolds Louise for posting so loosely when it wasn’t ‘Fedpost Friday’ – the day of the week when the chat let their hair down.

I've done alot of work up in lake bolac on various water projects. Let's just say this very very recent, as in less than 18 months, interest and claim to Aboriginal anything in the area is highly suspect

arguing with white coons over their outrageous demands and fantastical thinking for a big project were about to start
no, in person. the so-called traditional owner group coons and their cultural management plan demands. for work.
these abos were deadset whiter than me yet referred to me and my boys as white fellas
did a smoking ceremony in a fucking 1kg metal Nescafe coffee can with the label ripped off at the start of the meeting
totes traditional
I nearly choked on my normal coffee
then one of them called me hostile and combative by the end of the meeting

I'm like no, I'm just not giving in to your unicorn farming and your grifting money grubbing ways
no doubt I'll get a phone call soon from gwmwater going wtf did you do to them

lol luckily the rural water boards aren't as woke and supplicating to the white coons, they're bloody sick of them too
the boards and CEO are, but the people who actually have to deal with them on projects can't stand them
I think the gwm project manager, who I actually know quite well we've worked together for years, actually thought it was quite amusing, I caught him staring down at his notepad intently trying not to laugh a few times

the word Koori was made up by the drunken angry commie coons at the Redfern abo legal centre as a term they could use for media purposes that would be like the collective noun to mean all coons when they speak on behalf of all abos as they do
it's not a word from any one of their thousand wubba wubba languages

In these posts, GWM refers to Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water, the state government-owned water corporation with which Louise Black's family business has a number of contracts.

This hatred of Indigenous people wasn’t limited to her work:

some sanctimonious abo ally lefty is trying to have a go at me for posting that baby brushie skin photo of the welcome to country calling it woke virtue signalling
she's not even a wildlife rescuer, wtf is she doing in our facey group

We found the Facebook post in question posted by Louise Black in an animal rescue group.

Another frequent topic of discussion was her involvement in the No campaign against an Indigenous Voice to Parliament.

you know what we should be doing?
going around and stealing people's referendum postal votes from their letterboxes
and filling them in and sending them back 🤣
you don't think yes campaigners wont be doing that?
this is the problem with elections, in general people on the "right" have too high of a moral bar
I tell the Liberals this all the time during election campaigns, they're not willing to stoop to labors depths
I'm like fuck it, you gotta have a Tonya Harding mindset
LOL electionhack posting is not technically fedposting

Louise made a number of references to working on material directly for Advance Australia, the conservative propaganda outfit – though at times her content was knocked back for being too edgy.

LOL you want graphic design and snappy political slogans?
you've come to the right place

mate did you see my protest banners? there is noone that does political slogans quite like I do
granted they got more unhinged the longer lockdown went on but still
these went down a treat

too wordy
hang on, lemme pull out some of the flyers I did for advance Australia

I made a video that was meant to be for the advance campaign that had Robbie Thorpe's sample of his diatribe against white people saying to pay the rent, and I got told it was "too extreme"

Another video Louise made featured a compilation of Marcia Langton clips describing the racism coming from some corners of the No camp (a corner which fully included Louise!). In one chat, Louise complained that another neo-Nazi Telegram channel had posted it without crediting her.

Louise posted the same video on Facebook on the same day:

As the campaign reached its end, stress began to set in.

fuck the abos part, the no campaign could really use just some plain old volunteers. I just had two booth captains pull out on me with a day to go. fml

I've got fucking Peter Dutton’s chief of staff manning one of my booths tomorrow morning even cos I had a meltdown over all the volunteers pulling out cos they're scared of the yes ppl bullying them so he must've felt sorry for me
if I can get out there by myself one little blonde girl 22-1 against feral getup yes campaigners for 9 hours last Saturday then where are all these tough white men huh
I'm not doxxing anywhere but in Melbourne people are helping out the no campaign?
they're too busy looking at themselves in the mirror at the gym no doubt

The day of the Referendum doesn't start well for Louise.

Are you still there? Aren't you scrutineering?
I've had the worst day ever
I practically pulled an all nighter had just over an hours sleep then had to go booth bombing

Victoria is fucked
Pretty much, were just finalising the count

But thankfully for Louise, racism wins the day.

Referendums defeated
Victoria no 56%
No thanks to my fucking electorate wokest in the damn state
What a fucking embarrassment
Shouldve gotten those Nazis out on my booths
No it's not, the media just haven't gotten the full booth count yet, I have

Those complaints about absent vainglorious ‘tough white men’ are references to the National Socialist Network, with whom Louise has had an evolving relationship.


In 2022, while talking to Jovi Val, discussion turned to the NSN, who had recently performed Nazi salutes in balaclavas at a children’s library event, terrifying attendees.

“The right is generally very peaceful. I've never seen any of them like, you know, they stood there and they held up banners … They, you know, might have chucked out a Roman but, you know, they didn't, they weren't aggressive. They weren't going up to the families or the children or even the performer and being threatening in any way. They were just, you know, stood back, you know, there was a couple of policemen in front of them, and they just, you know, chanted their piece, held up their banners, and then they folded them up and went home. And that's generally how, you know, the right here, or NSN, that's how they protest these, you know, there's never been like violent counter protests that I've seen, but I have seen, you know, violent counter protests from the left against, you know, some of our protests, the freedom like rally protests. So I think people have got this perception through the media, and it's been a very deliberate crafting, or almost, almost a demonization of them.”

At this point NSN leader Tom Sewell was facing charges in relation to a brutal assault on a black security guard at Channel Nine, as well as an incident in which he and balaclava-clad thugs had threatened hikers with knives.

In early March 2023, all was rosy as Louise joined NSN member Stefan Eracleous’ Telegram chat to share her thoughts on the state of the Liberal Party…

Problem about the young Liberals now is that there is not enough hate and discrimination, there's not one female in the entire Vic libs, and they're a bunch of closet polo shirt fags or ultra fundy happy clappers. They need to get back to the days where young libs was all racist white private school boys and blonde chicks from Monash marketing society dancing on tables, bullying leftists on campus, organising anti immigration protests and having John Elliot as mc at their functions. No wonder the membership has bottomed out

And to give the boys from the NSN a spot of friendly legal advice about Victoria’s then impending swastika ban:

It's very specifically only the swastika in the legislation, and explicitly defines it as: 
Nazi symbol is defined as the Hakenkreuz, being a cross with the arms bent at right angles in a clockwise direction, and any other symbol that is likely to be mistaken or confused with that symbol for the purpose of new sections 41K to 41L. The Hakenkreuz is more widely known as the "swastika" or "Nazi swastika", but this term is intended to create a distinction in language from the religious and cultural swastika.
The bill doesn't cover anything to do with nazi-associated actions, hand signals or anything else those charges are a bit of theatre and nothing more

Even on the day of Moira Deeming’s ill-fated Let Women Speak rally, all was well:

I could've made you guys a sikkunt banner and brought it with me, I was gonna make one but didn't have time
Oh, I thought you were talking about the boys banner here at spring st
It is also...not printed
But I love the arts n craftiness they've all been getting into 🥰

Have u guys left already I was going to come say hi after moira finished but I turned around and you'd all disappeared like ninjas

When was this? I just walked past there and didn't see any of you

Nothing, they will do exactly nothing. I walked straight thru the middle of them wearing a tshirt that a few got triggered by and an azov cap and they didn't do or say jack shit

Moira's speaking at that isn't she? She likes my tshirt

She's like why do you always have to be so provocative

LOL you would've recognised me, actually maybe not I was wearing sunnies and a hat. Navy tshirt with writing on it, jeans, azov cap. Blonde ponytail

The next day however, as her friend Moira Deeming found herself in the spotlight, Louise had a few criticisms to make…

Tbh chucking the Roman wasn't the best pr move. If you guys had been there as a visible protection for the women against these animals that would've turned the perception of you guys and you would've gotten a lot of support
And they wouldn't be able to twist the message to write articles like this
Tom's speech and his message about the vanguard was amazing, the roman however small tho kinda negates that and that's what they take the screengrab/soundbite of
You need to think about perception in politics 🤷🏼‍♀️ Those women there felt safe having you guys there I was right there in the thick of it, but that message isn't something that's easily communicated
80 iq take??
Jimbo please can we have a civilised adult discussion here
I'm trying to give you guys some feedback, I've been involved in politics and campaigning a long time I'm trying to help you You are doing nothing more than helping along legislation that's going to outlaw you into extinction, you realise that right?
I am not criticising it, I am saying you need to think about perception when it comes to public activism Did I not just say that???!!
Jimbo do you know who you're talking to here? I am not a do nothing faggot Honey I know exactly what they are. I'm not criticising them. I'm trying to give them feedback how they can mitigate articles that completely flip the message of why they were there being published in the msm. Shock jock public relations is last century. If you want to gain support for your cause then you need to get support from normies whether you like it or not. If you don't want to do that then you will not grow. It's as simple as that

This goes on and on…

You guys could've flipped the public perception on its head with the public in line with what Tom said being a vanguard protecting women and those are the kinds of thing that shifts the damn overton window, but instead what's in the media today is all about banning the Roman. Not that nsn is there to protect the vulnerable from the increasing globohomo jewish threat insidiously making its way thru societies. Why can't any of you seem to understand this concept?
You guys were there to pull a stunt, nothing more nothing less
It was a lost opportunity

In June of 2023, we found Louise complaining about the NSN in a Proud Boys chat with OzRocka (Jon Field) and other Melbourne Proud Boys.

Still, Louise Black’s relationship with the organisation had sufficiently thawed by the time anti-fascist influencer Tom Tanuki had produced a video highlighting the National Socialist Network’s internal paedophile problems that she was willing to put NSN SA leader Cameron Brodie-Hall into contact with a KC specialising in defamation.

August 2024 saw some friendly banter between Louise and members of the NSN, such as ‘Splatteus’:

Still, despite posting over 25,000 messages in neo-Nazi Telegram chats, some banter might still be a bit spicy. Around the same time that Louise Black was cleaning up her Facebook footprint, Batwoman quietly deleted a small handful of messages she had posted on October 2nd 2024 about discussing Andrew Deeming’s council campaign with Moira Deeming.

As Louise’s council bid reached the pointy end, she was even willing to let NSN members hand out how-to-vote cards for her.

We found other examples of Louise Black bragging about her Liberal Party connections within far-Right Telegram chats.

On July 29 2023, she referred to Moira Deeming’s Liberal Values fundraiser as ‘her event’ in the chat of Proud Boy Tim Wilms.

Back in Daniel Walker’s chat, we found her asking neo-Nazis for poster ideas for Robbie Beaton’s election campaign. Her only caveat: try not to be insanely antisemitic. Arthur Calwell (NSN member Jack Darren Bell) had a few ideas.

In May of 2024, Louise shared her thoughts on the status of women in the Liberal Party (and a familiar Exhibition Street traffic gripe):


We find it telling that, while Louise Black has been shut out of a number of extremist groups—due to her habit of spitting the dummy when her unsolicited advice is ignored—the one organisation which hasn’t seen fit to show her the door is the Victorian Liberal Party.

There are many good reasons to be opposed to the National Socialist Network – that they were rude to you in one of the number of neo-Nazi chatrooms you regularly hang out in is not one of them.

(And Mark Dreyfus might want to check that the batteries in his palm tree CCTV are charged up.)

Excerpt from our submission to the Senate inquiry Right wing extremist movements in Australia.

On July 24, 2024, at the Senate Committee investigating right wing extremist movements in Australia, practitioners from the Counter Extremism Project presented an embarrassingly incorrect account of the state of the Australian extreme right landscape, particularly concerning Active Clubs.

This highlights a key problem with the Countering Violent Extremism industrial complex—individuals who have spent the past twenty years focusing on the Islamophobic war on terror often lack substantial knowledge about the extreme right. Despite this, they are positioned as experts while chasing grant money into the right-wing space.

The White Rose Society had previously provided a submission to this inquiry, detailing the recent history, organisational strategy, and capacity of the extreme right, including their international connections and the role of the Active Club model in Australian neo-Nazism. We intended our submission to be made available publicly. Our submission was accepted only on a confidential basis due to 'adverse commentary' about the groups MyPlace, Christian Lives Matter and the Australian Natives Association, and it appears that the information provided has not been taken on board by legislators or authorities responsible for addressing the extreme right.

The misinformation presented at the Inquiry, particularly the false claim that the Active Club model is not present in Australia, with the exception of a “recent” South Australian “failed” attempt, has already permeated the broader media landscape. In response, we have decided to publish a small, updated section of our submission on our blog. This excerpt addresses the place of Active Clubs in global neo-Nazi and accelerationist political strategy, emphasising Australia's role and contributions to its success. By sticking to arbitrary strict definitions of “Active Club,” the true adaptability and success of the model are obscured, as our submission demonstrates. We hope this publication will provide clarity to those curious about the actual state of the far-right and Active Clubs in Australia.

Content warning: includes extreme references to racist hatred and sexual violence.

The European Australian Movement/National Socialist Network

The Active Club Model

The Active Club model was founded by Robert Rundo, an American neo-Nazi activist who was the leader of the Rise Above Movement, a violent neo-Nazi street gang. Rundo went on to found Will2Rise, which sells merchandise, publishes propaganda, and has a neo-Nazi record label. Rundo’s concept of the active club model draws inspiration from various sources, including Russian and European fight clubs, football ultras and “hooligans”, and ultranationalist groups.

These clubs can be characterised as small localised cells. They usually integrate mixed martial arts (MMA) training with nationalist political engagement. They focus on fitness, camaraderie, and political activism. This may include activities such as stickering, graffiti, and disrupting perceived adversaries. Some also participate in protests against issues such as immigration and LGBTQIA+ rights.

These clubs explicitly adhere to white supremacist ideologies and envision themselves as preparing for a racial conflict. According to extremism researcher Pavel Klymenko, far-Right fight clubs strategically utilise MMA training to equip themselves for potential political violence. Members of these clubs embrace militant accelerationism, anticipating societal collapse or a race-based conflict, intending to establish a white ethnostate.

Following his departure from the United States to evade federal charges related to riots, Rundo travelled extensively across Europe, particularly in the Balkans. There, he interacted with and gleaned insights from various far-Right groups and individuals. His journeys have been meticulously documented by Bellingcat. Rundo's vision of “White Supremacy 3.0” and the formation of active clubs drew inspiration from his observations in Europe, particularly from neo-Nazi activist gangs and football hooligan firms and Ultras.

These groups emphasise fitness, combat training, style, and counter-cultural endeavours such as graffiti, music, book clubs, and propaganda dissemination. Rundo published a video in April 2021 called Starting Your Own Crew, explaining that the concept of the Rise Above Movement and active clubs was largely influenced by his time living in Eastern Europe and inspired by European MMA-ultranationalist groups, including White Rex, Confident Hooligan, and Generation Identity.

An early embodiment of this model is White Rex, founded by Russian neo-Nazi hooligan Denis Kapustin (also known as Denis Nikitin) as an activewear brand in 2008. White Rex gained prominence through hosting whites-only MMA tournaments across Europe, fostering networks and expanding its influence within the international far-Right community. Kapustin articulated an ideology centred on traditionalism, hypermasculinity, racism, and a “warrior spirit,” which resonated with his followers.

Active clubs rally their members around the motto “Tribe and Train,” portraying themselves as contemporary Aryan warriors preparing for a racial conflict while advocating for “White unity” in support of their perceived communities. There are active clubs throughout the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Europe, Latin America and New Zealand. Currently, all active clubs in Australia fall under the umbrella of the European Australian Movement and the National Socialist Network, though there have been other short-lived independent active clubs in Australia over the last two years.

The structure of the European Australian Movement & National Socialist Network

The European Australian Movement (EAM) is led by neo-Nazi Thomas Sewell, and neo-Nazi Jacob Hersant leads the National Socialist Network (NSN). These groups are part of one organisation and use the active club model. Sewell has stated that the active clubs in each state operate semi-autonomously. There are currently active clubs in every capital city except in the Northern Territory, and a number in regional areas.

Sewell recently discussed their model on a YouTube livestream with far-Right activist and Diagolon member Alex Vriend, who is also a leader of a Canadian active club:

So there's the, you know, in history, when we understand the National Socialists in Germany, there's the SA, and there's the SS, and there's the National Socialist German Workers Party. So it's sort of the same kind of principle. We're one total organisation, we're one movement here in Australia. And we have, there's many different arms or wings of that one singular movement. So it's, I wouldn't consider the SS or the SA, or the NSDAP to be three different movements or three different organisations. They're kind of like, how do you organise men for different objectives? How do you organise the same group of German nationalists that want to take back their country from International Jewry? And so in Australia, we've kind of got the same principle. So there's different missions, different horses for different courses. So there's a lot of cross pollination, unlike in that model. But in our model, it's just we do things objective-based. And we believe quite heavily in, I guess the correct word would be consent, or this idea that, the right, you have the right to associate with what you want to associate with. So what that means is that there are some people that, they might want to be members of the community, like European Australian Movement, they want to train, they want to get together, they want to have family barbecues, they want to network with other white people, they see that there's a lot to gain from that in terms of personally and practically, and for their family's sake, and realising that we have to train and collectivise and that “tribe and train” sort of mantra, but then they might be maybe, maybe they work a government job. Or maybe they not like that they're Feds, but maybe they work for subcontract for the government, for example, like there's a lot of people that might, you know, they might be plumbers, but the plumbing job that they have, is a subcontract to, like the state water service. And so they might be worried, like, you know, they got issues with the wife that, you know, I, if I go march down the street in black bloc and say, destroy paedophiles, and the council that I work for, the local council was waving these paedophile flags, it might cause me to lose my contract. So guys like that might be like, I'll do one half of the movement, but not the other half. And obviously, we encourage, and especially all the young guys, they do both, but a lot of the older guys, a lot of family men, a lot of the people that are maybe burnt out from activism, they're not as interested in the boots on the ground. So the situation, they're more interested in being like a rear detail, they're more interested in being community members, they're more interested in being logistics support, supply, for the effort, whether that be online or in person. And, you know, we need these men, we need everyone to be involved in the capacity they can be. So I'm interested in organising as many white man in this country into mobilising against a system that's trying to destroy them and kill them and pollute their genes and pollute their culture and society and children and everything. So that's what I'm interested in. And obviously, I do a lot of informational work as well, I try to create an online presence, I try to make sure that people know that we exist, but EAM isn't really going out and as an organisation, trying to push the buttons of the system. It's not like trying to go out there. And, you know, its purpose is different. Its purpose is internal, and a sense that let's build our men up, let's build our community up. All these other communities, they're doing their thing. And it's not that we're optics-cucking, it's just that if we focus this community into internal development, that's what I, that's what my mission is. And Jacob is very young, very keen, very energetic, very strong worldview in terms of is just, you know, they say, to understand something, you need to be able to explain it to, you know, a 10-year-old or something, to understand something, you should be able to explain it very simply and shortly and Jacob's, kind of a master of that, we've seen that with him creating an online presence for himself recently. He used to never make any sort of online content as Jacob Hersant, he just made it as part of NSN. But in the last two months, he's been pumping out a video a day, you know, 40 seconds, 50 seconds, just explaining the most core fundamental principles of the worldview. And that is in itself, an expression of who he is politically, in the sense of, let's get the core fundamental message out there as sharply as possible, let's hit home with it, let's slam the message on the table. And the reason why you see me in the front of all those rallies is not just because I'm the leader of the community and the movement as a whole. But also because he was put on a two year non-association. So he couldn't even organise his own organisation. So I was doing it for him. Because I love activism as well. I'm not a big fan of like, putting stickers up and stuff, I'm kind of burnt out from that. I did that a lot in the early days. And I'm keen for the young guys to do it. But I'm what I've seen is that, you know, the big rallies, like marching down the street in formation, putting the banner up putting the flags up and saying Here we are. So that's kind of the discrepancy, National Socialist Network is focused primarily on the anonymous activism, whereas EAM is focused primarily on tribing and training. It's like the community building, the MMA, the physical training, it's got an active club model, it's got a, it's got a really specific structure to it. But the two are just, we're just evolving, it's gonna take a lot of time to bleed the two together and, and have like a formality. And that's all going on behind the scenes. But for the public sake, we're just the Nazis, we're the white guys, whatever you want to call it, and we're just, we're just trying to save White Australia.

On the same livestream, Sewell said his minimum age for recruitment was sixteen. He said ideally, his recruits would be 18, but he would “tolerate” 16 or 17-year-olds if they are “ideologically mature.” We are aware of at least one 16-year-old joining the National Socialist Network. It is also worth noting that some members bring their young children to events and training sessions.

Thomas Sewell's profile among the international far-Right is now on par with Robert Rundo's. Sewell has emerged as a key international active club leader. This is in part due to respect from other neo-Nazis for publicly uploaded footage of attacks like the bashing of a Black security guard working for Channel 9, and activism like the DESTROY PAEDO FREAKS banner on the steps of Melbourne Parliament. Both have been perceived as bold stunts by neo-Nazis worldwide.

Sewell is more accessible and visible across social media than Rundo, whose personal social media presence has been sporadic due to his legal issues in the United States. While Rundo was networking in person with far-Right groups and individuals across Europe, Sewell has made himself available for chats and livestreams with the international far-Right. He is also unapologetically a neo-Nazi and does not shy from the “Jewish Question”, openly praising Adolf Hitler and National Socialism.

This ‘boldness’ is inspiring to neo-Nazis who appreciate his efforts to mainstream Antisemitism and Nazism. When Sewell was remanded in prison, he received support as a ‘political prisoner’ from neo-Nazis around the world. This was equal to the support that Robert Rundo has received since his imprisonment. Sewell’s time on remand has earned him further credibility in the movement and is seen as a testimony to his total commitment to the cause.

On February 15 2024, Sewell started hosting Spaces on Twitter/X, where many of his members and overseas neo-Nazis congregate. On March 10 2024, he hosted a Space with active club leaders from across the United States, Canada and Europe. In this Space, he revealed that he has mentored smaller groups in the United States and Europe over the last three to four years, saying he has helped set up two dozen or so active clubs overseas. He described Adolf Hitler as creating “the world’s biggest active club”.

Sewell explained the vetting process for the EAM and the NSN, saying it is important to have a long vetting process. He said new recruits are not made official members for a “very long time”. The first stage of recruitment is an associate, and the recruit is invited to all events and training for the next six months. After six months of regular attendance, they are made an initiated member and given a white wristband (one way to recognise if someone is a member of the organisation).

The initial membership process takes about 12 to 18 months of regular attendance and the achievement of certain fitness goals. They are then made a full member and swear oaths. He also described “spectators” as valuable – these are men sympathetic to the aims of the neo-Nazi movement but who won't join the organisation but may consume online content and donate.

Sewell also described another “layer” of membership, which he is “trying to work out how to mobilise”. He described them like this:

...that's the people that don't even want to show up once a month. But they are in online spaces. They are family men, they are careerists. And we're working on how to mobilise them. They don't really want the heat as well, they're often very afraid of the police attention, they're very afraid of being doxxed. Because they usually have good, high paying jobs. And they can't, they don't want to change their standard of living. And that's just the position that they're in. And we're looking at mobilising them in what you could call satellite groups. So the idea of setting up groups that aren't even on paper, anything to do with you, you don't really have much cross pollination, but they still have one or two guys from your group helping manage it, because if you left them alone to do their own thing, it would fizzle out and die and it wouldn't have that continuity. So having a cadre member, maintain a satellite group that has not public facing that hasn't got a serious level of commitment needed, but you can at least maintain them in the wider community instead of just maintaining them in an internet relationship. And that way, you know, as things come up, you'll find these people do have their uses – some of them IT guys, they can help you with security, your online security, some guys, you know, work in construction, and they can hire the young guys you have in your clubs, so they'll still network with the community. So I see those as like the four primary layers of an org.

Attitudes towards women

“Women have manipulated me using sex and emotion; demoralization, and I have manipulated them using violence and terror. We use what we have to get what we want.” – neo-Nazi Blair Cottrell.

“Pedophilia is actually based … if she bleeds she can get the seed.” – messages in the Discord server of National Socialist Network leader Cameron Brodie-Hall.

“An Eye for an Eye. A Tooth for a Tooth. A Rape for a Rape. When we win the retribution will be biblical.” – Thomas Sewell (source: Telegram chat of Matthew Roebuck, 15 April 2021)

Over the years, retention has been a key issue for far-Right and extremist groups. Members could burn out, become disillusioned with their lack of success, grow up, move, start studying or working, or have interpersonal conflicts within the group. However, the greatest threat to retention by far is getting a girlfriend. To this end, the EAM/NSN has developed a strategy for involving and controlling partners.

Due to the heavily misogynistic views of neo-Nazis, there is no place for women as political agents in EAM/NSN. Yet Sewell recognises women as crucial to retention. First, he suggests that all neo-Nazis tell their partners directly about their political views so there can be no confusion. Second, he fosters networking and bonding amongst the women through social events and encourages them to form sewing clubs, book clubs and so on. Finally, he encourages neo-Nazis to start families and aims to set up cooperative child-minding and, later, home-schooling. If women are very young, pregnant and networked with similar women, they are less likely to put pressure on their neo-Nazi partner to change.

Prominent members and associates of EAM/NSN have advocated marrying girls as young as 14. One has boasted of refusing to “let” his girlfriend wear trousers. Others have boasted about controlling what their partner wears to the gym or even eats. This is a form of coercive control. We’re aware that multiple members of EAM/NSN have been the subject of Intervention Orders, and ex-partners of EAM/NSN members have also told us that after leaving a relationship with an EAM/NSN member, they were subjected to harassment from other members of the group.

On September 12 2022, the new $90,000 ute of neo-Nazi Geoff Abel was burnt out in his driveway. The perpetrator was a child recruited from prison by neo-Nazi Benjamin Thomas, who has MEIN KAMPF tattooed on his forehead. Thomas arranged the arson attack as revenge against Abel, who was in a relationship at the time with Thomas' former girlfriend. Thomas was in prison on related domestic violence charges and had previously served time for stabbing a former partner in a jealous rage. Abel was jailed in 2023 for domestic violence offences against the same woman who he punched and kicked while she was pregnant. Both men were founding members of Activ88, the Wollongong active club cell of the NSN.

Attitudes towards violence

Sewell often states his group is non-violent and complains that they are depicted otherwise in the press. In the aftermath of the Christchurch massacre, Sewell compared himself favourably to Brenton Tarrant by saying that his group would remain non-violent on the condition that police did not investigate them:

“Mr Sewell said he did not wish harm on any minorities but that he would see violence as an option “if the state continues its persecution of our people for wanting to preserve their culture and heritage” or if his members were arrested.

“The difference between my organisation, myself and him [Tarrant], is simply that we believe, certainly at this stage, that there is a peaceful solution for us to create the society we want to live in,” Mr Sewell said.

“We want a peaceful alternative, we want to be treated with respect, we want to be left alone. If we are not given that opportunity, well, time will tell. I'm not going to give you any explicit threat but it's pretty f—king obvious what's going to happen.”

Mr Sewell said “we’re all gravy at the moment” because police were leaving his group alone but that people were “making the world burn, and they have names and addresses.”

This conditional commitment to peaceful co-existence with mainstream society is not evident in practice.

On 17 August 2019, members of the Victorian branch of the Antipodean Resistance group were involved in a road rage incident in Colac in which they threw a bottle at an Asian couple and assaulted a female KFC manager. When police investigated, they found knives, firearms and ammunition in the car belonging to the AR members.

On March 1 2021, Sewell and Hersant attended the Melbourne offices of Channel 9 to complain that their group would be depicted unfairly in an upcoming broadcast of A Current Affair. While being escorted from the premises by a Black security guard, Sewell unleashed an assault on the guard, which Magistrate Stephen Ballek described as “brutal in its force, speed and repetition.” Onlookers may have found the attack terrifying, but for Sewell and his cadre, it was something to be celebrated. Racist memes and animated GIFs celebrating the assault were widely shared in international neo-Nazi spaces on Telegram, and Sewell was invited to appear on the livestream of Canadian neo-Nazi Brandon Martinez – a personal hero of Sewell's – introducing him to a far wider audience than he had previously enjoyed.

While the potential disruption that Sewell's jailing might have on his employer was raised as a sentencing consideration, conspicuously absent from the prosecution's evidence was that far from expressing remorse for the racially-motivated attack, Sewell had benefited greatly from it and had never at any point castigated his followers when they abused and mocked his victim at length. Sewell was sentenced to serve a Community Corrections Order and perform community service.

On 8 May 2021, Sewell, Hersant and other members of the EAM/NSN were taking part in a hiking trip in Victoria's Cathedral Ranges. At one point, they were recognised as potentially being neo-Nazis by some passing hikers (the EAM/NSN group were hiking in matching outfits featuring the EAM's modified swastika logo). When the hikers attempted to take a video of the group, paranoid NSN members thought they must have been anti-fascist spies and commenced to attack the smaller group, smashing the windows of their car and causing it to crash. Again, far from expressing remorse, NSN members responded to this incident by mocking the victims and posting bizarre conspiracy theories about them.

In sentencing remarks after Sewell and Hersant's trial, it was mentioned that the sight of an NSN member brandishing a knife in a 'ready position' had caused so much fear in one of their victims that they had urinated. This point was the subject of particular mirth for Sewell's followers. After being given remarkably light sentences because this assault was declared not related to political belief and then being congratulated by the judge on their excellent prospects for rehabilitation, Hersant allegedly committed further offences within seconds of emerging from court when he allegedly performed a now-illegal Sieg Heil salute while saying “Heil Hitler’ for media cameras.

In May 2023, two members of NSN were approached by a member of the public as they posted neo-Nazi stickers in the Adelaide CBD. The NSN members, Kane Brennand-Reynolds and Martin Quinn, pushed the man over and kicked him in the head. Despite this, the man could get up and chase his attackers away. NSN members have subsequently celebrated this assault online, repeatedly posting photos of the injury inflicted on the victim and CCTV of the attack. Kane Brennand-Reynolds received a suspended 2 month and 24 day sentence, and Martin Quinn received a $1000 fine.

On September 15, 2023, members of the NSN arrived at Cafe Gummo, a venue in Melbourne holding an anti-fascist fundraiser gig. A number of the NSN members had GoPros strapped to their chests and carried a banner featuring a Sonnenrad (Black Sun). Bystanders reported that several carried knives. Quick-thinking bar patrons averted a potential catastrophe by chasing the NSN away from the venue. No neo-Nazis have been charged over this incident.

Attacks and responses

How neo-Nazis respond to mass casualty events can be instructive as it relates to their conception of violence. Many such events are celebrated, and the perpetrators are sanctified by neo-Nazis. However, for the purposes of this submission, there are two events that we wish to highlight specifically.

Christchurch massacres, March 15 2019

The massacres perpetrated by Brenton Tarrant in Christchurch in March 2019 were not quite the same as other atrocities that Australian neo-Nazis had cheered on, such as the October 2018 Tree of Life Synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh. For one thing, many Australian neo-Nazis knew Tarrant.

Although the New Zealand Royal Commission found no evidence that Tarrant had been given assistance in committing the attack, they also found that he had been an active participant in secret Facebook groups for supporters of the Lads Society and that he was especially known to the leadership of the Lads Society after having made a sizeable donation.

In the immediate aftermath of the attack, some members of the Lads Society bemoaned the idea that the killer might have acquired the firearms used legally, which would put pressure on governments to tighten gun control measures. And at a Fraser Anning supporters’ meeting in Sydney, attended by Lads Society members shortly after the attack, we observed members of the far-Right raising a toast to Tarrant.

For some Australian neo-Nazis, the desire to celebrate was dampened by a series of arrests nationwide of people sharing the killer's live-streamed video. Some adopted the mantra '51' as a way to signal support in a subtler way. As neo-Nazi Stefan Eracleous explained in a Telegram post, “This is why I made 51 a trend. It's coded language so you can still get a high from the NZ thing but staying below the radar”. Often this mantra would be posted as text, but occasionally in other ways. Neo-Nazis have graffitied messages of praise for Tarrant near Table 51 in pubs. In one disturbing video posted by Eracleous, a man surreptitiously films Muslim men outside a mosque. He whistles the British Grenadier marching song played by Tarrant prior to commencing his attack, then mutters 51 over and over, before concluding with the words “headshot.”

Wieambilla shootings, December 12 2022

The neo-Nazi leadership in Australia is obsessed with the potential for violence to be used against them by law enforcement. In this context, the deaths of three Christian fundamentalists at Wieambilla did not represent a lesson about the dangers of Christian fundamentalist conspiracism or gaps in the national firearms intelligence schema, but rather a propaganda opportunity to push the idea that the State might kill them without justification at any moment. In his Twitter/X Space on March 10 2024, Sewell spoke of the attack in very sympathetic terms:

and the government can do what they did to that family in, there was a there was a shooting recently with a cops killed a man, a wife and his brother on a farm in in Queensland, and the media ran cover for the cops saying that the cops just you know went there to just check in and they just got shot at for no reason and that's why they had to murder this family. And these three are dead and and then the media ran cover and said, they were in an “incestuous relationship” and the brother was having sex with, and they just smeared these people that were just good, honest, Australians that were part of the Freedom Movement, which is like our anti-COVID-tyranny movement. And they just got fucking executed on their farm by these scumbags in the tyranny and nothing is being done about it like no one is mobilising against that because they were alienated, isolated, atomised Freedom Rally people instead of being like strongly connected to an online, international and, and obviously local community.

This framing of conflict with authorities as a battle for freedom leading to justifiable violence has been a concern of ours for many years, especially given that Sewell and the NSN also hold to a conspiracy theory that anyone who opposes his group – be they investigative journalists, anti-racist counter-protesters or just someone telling them off in the street – is doing so at the behest of a State which possesses murderous intent. In this logic, any form of opposition is fair game for a pre-emptive reprisal.

Other associates of the NSN have also commented on the Wieambilla massacre. We would like to note that in their commentary on the massacre, the murder of neighbour Alan Dare by the Trains is never mentioned, as he does not fit into their conspiracy. On the XYZ blog, run by NSN member David Hiscox, failed West Australian political candidate Stephen Wells wrote of the victims:

So I don’t care that two police were murdered. Don’t become a police officer if you don’t want to be murdered. As long as the Australian Government is using police to do fuck all other than collect speeding fines, persecute people with opinions they don’t like and beat and shoot non sanctioned protestors, why should anyone care about your lives? If your job involves leaving your conscience at home and “just following orders”, don’t be surprised if people forsake their consciences when disobeying your orders. You get what you give in life and police in Australia have been giving the public nothing but shit for decades. No respect deserved from the public and no mercy shown by the criminals.

A day later, Wells expanded on his thinking:

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction and the Globalist leaders are intent on acting out their totalitarian wet dreams. For those that have turned to God you know that the Bible shows how God puts what Issac Newton articulated into practice.

Everyone who has been red pilled to even a basic level will have thought about how they will respond if the police one day comes for them.

I would suggest that if it’s a knock on the door, you don’t need to pull out weapons. If they come in force to bust down your door…. that’s a scenario where no one can advise you on. Other than trust in God and before that day comes, try not to get too paranoid. It may never happen.

For anyone in the Police Force or thinking about joining the Police Force, get out and don’t join. You take your orders from psychopaths and the more they push their insanity, the more you will be required to enforce it, the more likely it will be that you will receive the reaction. Don’t blame me. I’m just the one pointing out science and Biblical principles.

This second Stephen Wells article was approvingly shared across NSN channels on Telegram.

Rhetoric and abuse

Casual and repeated use of violent imagery and language is one way that members and potential recruits are desensitised and radicalised and come to adopt the us (good Nazis) vs them (Jews and their ‘system pets’) framework underlying the EAM/NSN group.

Thomas Sewell and other EAM and NSN members have repeatedly threatened violence against their political enemies, including academics, activists, healthcare workers, journalists, LGBTIQA+ people, librarians, politicians, police and state security. NSN members have gleefully and wilfully targeted supposed adversaries (usually random people who have committed the “crime” of being fat, non-white or queer in public) in the city of Melbourne over the last two years, including harassing them and filming them in their workplaces, disrupting businesses, following and yelling at people of minority backgrounds and assaulting soup kitchen volunteers. Due to this behaviour, at least one business has permanently trespassed two NSN members from all stores. They especially target women and transgender people.

In early February 2024, National Socialist Network leader Jimeone Roberts uploaded a nearly eight-minute-long video to his Telegram channel of him violently abusing and threatening a small group of elderly women from the group Grandmothers For Refugees while they peacefully protested. He said he hoped that the women would be stabbed next. We believe his rage was precipitated by the stabbing murder of Vyleen White in Ipswich, blaming refugee activists for importing “rapists and murderers.” Roberts' abuse included anti-Black and Antisemitic slurs and violent misogyny. At one point, he spat towards the group of women. The police were called.

Thomas Sewell later claimed on Telegram that Roberts had been arrested by counter-terrorism and had five charges pending, including racial vilification and using a carrier service to harass. We are yet to see confirmation of the charges. The video was shared widely across Telegram and Twitter/X including internationally. Neo-Nazi leader of the Goyim Defense League and troll Jon Minadeo II (aka 'Handsome Truth') shared the video on Telegram and requested to be put in touch with Roberts, bolstering his international profile with this act of abuse and intimidation.

Now excommunicated NSN member Stefan Eracleous is fixated on Senator Lidia Thorpe and has made thousands of violently misogynistic and racist posts about her in private chats and public Telegram channels. He has also plastered misogynistic and racist graffiti and stickers about her and other Indigenous MPs all over Melbourne. With fellow member Jimeone Roberts, Eracleous produced and published two menacing and racist videos threatening Senator Thorpe, one in January 2022 and the other in October 2023. Eracleous was charged and recently convicted over the first video. Roberts has not been charged over either video, despite the first video being geolocated to the backyard of a family property he lived in at the time and his masked appearance in the second video, reading out the script. Senator Thorpe’s concerns for her safety were minimised by the Australian Federal Police, who she described as slow and ineffective, leaving her no choice but to hire her own private security.

We are extremely concerned about the potential for an attack on an Australian politician. We consider female politicians who are Indigenous and Muslim particularly at risk. This risk has only accelerated since the failed Voice referendum and the Labor Party's attack on Senator Fatima Payman. Australian agencies do not appear to have learned any lessons from the murder of British Labour MP Jo Cox in 2016. Cox was shot and stabbed by Thomas Mair, who shouted “Put Britain First”. Mair was a fascist who collected Nazi propaganda and was obsessed with the Great Replacement conspiracy theory. The now-proscribed British neo-Nazi group National Action celebrated the murder of Jo Cox and, according to Hope Not Hate, adopted Mair as a martyr, encouraging others to do the same. Inspired by the murder of Jo Cox, another National Action member, Jack Renshaw, was sentenced in 2019 over a plot to murder Labour MP Rosie Cooper. As we outline below, there are deep and ongoing links between the Australian neo-Nazi members and British fascists, including ex-members of National Action.

Since our submission, a right-wing teenager inspired by Brenton Tarrant and obsessed with gore planned to behead a Labor Party MP in Newcastle. He fortunately chickened out at the last minute.

We would note that when a sitting Senator appeared at an anti-racist public event in Melbourne last year, it was not the AFP officers tasked with protecting them who noticed a young man nervously pacing back and forth in front of the venue but private security. When police were eventually cajoled into investigating, it was discovered that the young man was a known neo-Nazi, and he was armed with a concealed machete.

International connections

Australia’s neo-Nazi movement is very well connected internationally and held in high regard. As we have outlined, Sewell boasts of mentoring many overseas fascists, nationalists and neo-Nazis and helping to start over two dozen active clubs. A small number of overseas neo-Nazis have visited Australia, including a member of Patriot Front who was hosted by Lads Society members in Queensland and Victoria. We also know of visits by Australian neo-Nazis to America and Europe.

In 2012, the leader of Nationalist Alternative travelled to the United States for a political training conference run by Stormfront founder Don Black.

Like Jacob Hersant’s previous group, Antipodean Resistance, the UK group National Action formed on Iron March. Members of the Antipodean Resistance travelled to the United Kingdom to meet with members of National Action, and they networked online.

Members of the European Australia Movement and the National Socialist Network have travelled at different times to Aotearoa New Zealand, where they’ve met with old school ‘boneheads’ and Action Zealandia. Visits to the United States include meeting with Harold Covington, a former member of the American Nazi Party and influential founder of Northwest Front who was an inspiration to mass murderer Dylann Roof.

In August 2023, a member of the European Australian Movement posted on Telegram about touring Greece and networking and forming bonds with “with some brothers” from the Greek nationalist group ProPatria Hellas. ProPatria are the youth front of the Greek neo-Nazi organisation the Golden Dawn. The leaders of Golden Dawn were sentenced to 13 years in prison in 2020, convicted of operating a criminal organisation under the guise of being a democratically elected party. Described as a fanatical neo-Nazi organisation and formerly a martial arts club, ProPatria is known for violent attacks against students and antifascist protestors and football hooliganism. ProPatria are networked with the far-Right across Europe and White Rex in Russia.

One online supporter of the EAM and NSN, neo-Nazi Tylere Baker-Pearce, made a pilgrimage to Al Noor Mosque in Ōtautahi Christchurch, Aotearoa New Zealand in June 2023, to retrace the steps of Brenton Tarrant. Baker-Pearce unsuccessfully ran as an independent candidate in the Victorian state election in 2022 and was preferenced by the Victorian Liberal Party above Labor. Action Zealandia member Max Newsome once invited Nordic Resistance Movement members to visit Aotearoa New Zealand, promising to “take you on a pilgrimage route a saint did last year”, referencing mass murderer Brenton Tarrant as a “saint”. An Action Zealandia member made a violent threat to Al Noor mosque in 2020 and was never charged. Posts on 4Chan and Twitter/X from New Zealand neo-Nazis have also invited overseas “lads” to do this pilgrimage. A founding member of Action Zealandia and a serving member of the New Zealand Defence Force is currently awaiting trial on charges including espionage, being a member of a white supremacist group, and possessing a recording of the Christchurch mosque attack livestream. Members of the National Socialist Network and Action Zealandia met up in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland in January 2023.

Concerningly, a relatively new member of the neo-Nazi scene and member of the EAM and the NSN, Joel Davis, has made two known trips to network with overseas white nationalists.

Due to the lack of moderation on Twitter/X under Elon Musk, extremist and neo-Nazi material has circulated freely. The new stalwart of the neo-Nazi Australian scene Joel Davis, a ‘philosophy bro’ type who recently moved to Melbourne from Sydney, is specialising in influencing followers on X and boasts of ‘ratioing’ political figures such as the Prime Minister (to 'ratio' is to gain more engagement on a reply than the original post). His follower base skews heavily American, and he has become a contact point for fascists and neo-Nazis from across the Anglosphere due to his consistently high engagement on X and his voluminous live-streaming. His weekly show with neo-Nazi Blair Cottrell often includes Thomas Sewell and was only recently banned from Youtube. He gave a speech on effective propaganda at the 2023 EAM/NSN national annual meetup and attended training events and the 2024 Australia Day neo-Nazi meetup in Sydney.

Due to his prominence within the movement, Davis was invited to speak in England by British neo-Nazi leader Mark Collett at the annual Patriotic Alternative conference in October 2023. Davis and Sewell have both defended Sam Melia, a Patriotic Alternative member and former member of the proscribed group National Action, who has recently been jailed for stirring up racial hatred. Other invited speakers were Americans Tony Hovater and Warren Balogh, who are both members of the National Justice Party (NJP), a virulently Antisemitic white supremacist group formed by attendees of the Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville in 2017. Balogh is the party secretary. Hovater was a founding member of the neo-Nazi group Traditionalist Workers Party and is now chief of staff in the NJP.

In November 2023, Joel Davis travelled to Poland to attend Poland’s nationalist “independence march”. Approximately 40,000 people attended the march in 2023, including members of Patriot Front, members of active clubs from Denmark, Estonia, France and Netherlands, and Greek and Serbian neo-Nazis. The neo-Nazi bloc in the march carried flags with the Celtic Cross, a symbol often used in Europe in place of the Hakenkreuz swastika. The march in 2022 featured a banner with the Sonnenrad or Black Sun, a symbol used by Germany's Schutzstaffel (SS) and Antisemitic chants.

While in Poland, Davis met with Keith Woods, a prominent Irish Antisemitic white nationalist. Davis’ international travel is significant and helps build his profile as an international far-right figure. Jacob Hersant and Thomas Sewell’s legal issues have prevented them from travelling overseas. Davis’ travels allow them to build deeper transnational far-right networks through his in-person meetings.

Before Joel Davis met with Patriotic Alternative in the UK, both Davis and Sewell had live-streamed with Mark Collett, the leader. Indeed, in 2022, Sewell caused a potential problem for PA by announcing that he “believed in the retributive rape of every social worker, police, and judge that had inadequately protected the victims of trafficking and rape gangs” PA was concerned this extreme statement would cause their group to be proscribed in the UK(when they are seeking legitimisation as a registered political party).

The rift was mended, and the offending section of the livestream was edited. As Sewell said, “Everyone knows what I'm about. There's no confusion as to what my views are and what I think about life. And if you're going to do a podcast with me, I'll probably say something controversial.” In June 2019, two teenage members of British neo-Nazi group Sonnenkrieg Division were jailed for terrorism offences. Influenced by Atomwaffen Division and the Order of Nine Angles, their propaganda included the same sentiment: an image of a masked neo-Nazi wearing a Sonnenrad patch, attacking a female police officer, alongside a direction to “rape the cops”.

Joel Davis had been coy about revealing support for Sewell’s overt neo-Nazi agenda, only recently donning EAM clothing and performing Hitler salutes. His role in the EAM/NSN ecosystem is as a communications strategist and philosopher and acting as a link between “normie racists” and EAM/NSN. Indeed, he appears to have three aims: push anti-immigration with a strong focus on Indians, mobilise followers on Twitter/X to push the Overton window, and legitimising overt racism. He has frequently said it's important to be racist as it is not only fun but necessary. Following the path set by Jack Van Tongeren, Davis wants immigrants, specifically Indians, to feel so unwelcome and unwanted in Australia as to leave.

Australia’s neo-Nazis and Terrorgram

Australia's neo-Nazis are well connected to the transnational Terrorgram Collective, which operates within a network of loosely connected Telegram channels. Collectively known as “Terrorgram,” these channels espouse an ideology of militant accelerationism. This community has ties to various extremist groups such as the Atomwaffen Division, National Socialist Order, The Base, and Order of Nine Angles. Atomwaffen Division, National Socialist Order, and The Base are proscribed terrorist groups in Australia. Graham Macklin characterises Terrorgram and its online milieu as part of a “dark fandom” that glorifies extreme-Right terrorists akin to how school shooters and serial killers are idolised.

The Terrorgram Collective produces and shares guides promoting racially motivated violence and anti-government terrorism. Notable publications from the group include titles like Militant Accelerationism, Do it For the 'Gram, The Hard Reset, and Make It Count. These publications are seen as emblematic of a post-Siege era, wherein accelerationists seek to establish a new legacy beyond groups like the Atomwaffen Division and Siege Culture, as articulated on the American Futurist website (the publishing arm of the National Socialist Order). The Collective also produces propaganda, such as the pseudo-documentary White Terror, which commemorates “the Saints,” a roster of white individuals responsible for racially motivated killings and terrorist acts.

Militant accelerationism, according to Matthew Kriner, involves tactics aimed at intensifying societal divisions through violence to expedite societal collapse. The predominant ideological strain within militant accelerationism is neofascism, with the ultimate aim of establishing a white ethnostate post-collapse. A key belief of militant accelerationists is “There Is No Political Solution”.

White Terror originated from the “Saint Calendar” published by the Terrorgram Collective starting in 2021. This calendar glorifies acts of historical terrorism and violence, with the intent of inspiring further such acts by venerating mass murderers as “Saints” and extolling their body counts. To achieve Saint status, one must have committed at least one murder. Those whose attacks only achieve injuries are given “honorary” status. By August 2023, the Collective had added over 157 “Saints” to their “Pantheon”, lauding the killing of 722 people, with new saints and murders added in late 2023.

On October 12, 2022, the Terrorgram Collective ‘canonised’ its first Saint, 19-year-old shooter Juraj Krajčík, who killed two men and injured another outside a gay bar in Bratislava, Slovakia. They hailed Krajčík as “Tarrant’s sixth disciple and Terrorgram’s first saint.” In his manifesto, A Call To Arms, Krajčík explicitly acknowledged the Terrorgram Collective's influence and referenced their publications, including Militant Accelerationism and The Hard Reset, along with an indirect mention of Make it Count, which had a more limited circulation. We suspect there may have been some degree of coordination between Krajčík and the Terrorgram Collective before his attack.

Make it Count is a small booklet described by the Southern Poverty Law Centre as a “blueprint for terror” that advocated for assaults on critical infrastructure such as the power grid, as well as endorsing violence and terror acts targeting various groups, including Jewish communities. Additionally, it promoted urban sniping as an accelerationist strategy aimed at political adversaries such as judges, law enforcement officials, and politicians. The booklet also glorified the Manson Family's murder of Sharon Tate.

We first saw Make It Count shared on 2 June 2022 in a chat called 'Caucasian Coaching', run by NSN leader Jimeone Roberts. The user who shared the PDF of the publication was later identified through court records as Brandon Russell, the founder of the American neo-Nazi terrorist group Atomwaffen Division. Russell was active in other Telegram chats including 'Australian Meditations Nationalist Yarn', run by member of the NSN Stefan Eracleous. Russell also regularly shared neo-Nazi propaganda by the proscribed terrorist group the National Socialist Order in these chats, as well as an urban sniping manual.

Russell was sentenced to five years in federal prison in 2018 for possessing an unregistered destructive device and unlawfully possessing and storing explosive material. He was also found with radioactive materials at the time of his arrest. After his release from prison in 2021, he was again active with the National Socialist Order and The American Futurist, using pseudonyms on Telegram. He was re-arrested in February 2023 alongside Sarah Beth Clendaniel. Both were charged with conspiracy to destroy an energy facility in a plot to attack local power grid facilities, driven by racially motivated hatred. Court documents alleged that the couple wanted to conduct sniper attacks on five electricity substations to “completely destroy this whole city”.

National Socialist Network leader Jimeone Roberts was already in contact with the National Socialist Order, publishing an article about physical discipline on their website, The American Futurist, on 27 January 2022. On an encrypted chat platform, he revealed that the NSO asked him to write an article for them.

Another direct Australian involvement in the Terrogram Collective was recently revealed by a neo-Nazi leaker who turned against the National Socialist Order. The leaker claimed that a veteran Australian neo-Nazi who is a member of the European Australian Movement (known to us) was an affiliate or on the “staff” of The American Futurist. This neo-Nazi is active in many Terrorgram communities, including in spaces associated with the neo-Nazi Satanic cult Order of Nine Angles.

On 8 December 2023, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Integrated National Security Enforcement Team (INSET) for the Greater Toronto Area/Southwest arrested two Ontario men, Kristoffer Nippak and Matthew Althorpe, following an 18-month investigation. The men are accused of involvement in creating manifestos for the Terrorgram Collective and producing recruitment videos for the Atomwaffen Division (AWD). Althorpe faces multiple charges, including the commission of hate crimes offences, participation in the activities of a terrorist group (AWD), facilitating terrorist activity, instructing a person to carry out terrorist activity, and counselling the commission of a terrorism offence. Nippak is charged with participation in the activities of a terrorist group (AWD). Nippak and Althorpe were also both members of Active Club Canada.

An investigation by Mack Lamoureux revealed in early December that Kristoffer Nippak, a founding member of the Canadian offshoot of Atomwaffen Division, was a key player in building the active club network, both in Canada and Europe, where he travelled and networked extensively, especially in Scandinavia. Anti-Hate Canada revealed that Nippak was also a member of Crew 38, a feeder group for the Vinland Hammerskins. Some Crew 38 and Hammerskins members act as recruiters for Active Club Canada. This is an example of how memberships of far-right groups are fluid and transnational, with far-right leaders increasingly networking in person across borders.

The Base

“I got more enjoyment watching Saint Tarrant do his thing. I've eaten several meals watching that ... it's where I was born, so I have a very sentimental connection to Christchurch.” – an Australian applicant to The Base.

The Base is an international neo-Nazi terror network, primarily based in the United States, but run from St Petersburg, Russia, by its leader Rinaldo Nazzaro (using the nom de plumes Norman Spear and Roman Wolf), a former US military contractor.

Much of what we know about the internal workings of The Base is thanks to the efforts of an anti-fascist infiltrator who we worked closely with and who managed to gain the trust of Nazzaro to the extent that they were intimately involved in most of the vetting interviews that potential recruits to the group would undergo.

The Base is an explicitly accelerationist project that rejects the premise of political solutions and advocates for action over words. They eschew a strict hierarchy; instead, Nazzaro would act as the face of the organisation, and members would form small two- or three-man cells (called Trouble Trios) that could take independent action. Federal authorities moved on one cell in the United States after they planned to undertake a mass shooting at a gun rights rally (a target chosen not because of opposition to gun rights but because of the potential for maximum chaos if rally-goers returned fire at each other).

Another such trio was formed in Australia in 2018 by members of Antipodean Resistance who were closely networked online with members of Atomwaffen Division and the leadership of Tempel ov Blood, a ‘nexion’ or cell of the neo-Nazi Satanic cult Order of Nine Angles (O9A). These teenage neo-Nazis admired the edginess of the neo-Nazi Satanists, reading literature published through the occult publishing house Martinet Press. Martinet Press was partly bankrolled by the FBI, who paid Atomwaffen Division and Tempel ov Blood member Joshua Caleb Sutter nearly USD$100,000 for his work as an informant since 2003. Books published by Martinet Press, such as Iron Gates, include graphic descriptions of cannibalism, infanticide, necrophilia, paedophilia, rape and torture.

The three Australians were known within The Base for their tendency to push the envelope—no small achievement in these spaces. In late 2018, one of them abruptly disconnected from the encrypted chats without notice. Another member of the trio explained to a concerned Nazzaro that they had decided to engage in a digital detox and concentrate on offline activity.

The other two members would also begin abrupt digital detoxes on March 15, 2019, perhaps concerned that law enforcement would soon come knocking in the wake of the massacre in Christchurch. This concern that they might be linked somehow to the attack was not unwarranted – the Steam account of one of the members was erroneously identified as belonging to Tarrant by a commenter on a 4chan thread on the day of the shooting.

In January 2020, family members of one of the cell posted on Facebook that he had completed suicide after police raided his home. The raid was reportedly related to social media posts he had made, including a photo he posted of himself dressed all in black, wearing a hoodie, a skull mask, a utility belt with a hunting knife and an Airsoft gun. Some of his online contacts that he played Minecraft and Snapchatted with alleged that – inspired by O9A – he had initiated discussions about his fantasies of cannibalism, paedophilia and rape.

The other member would eventually re-emerge as a leader of the National Socialist Network.

In October 2019, Nazzaro began a new effort to recruit Australians to his cause. Working with a member of a West Australian neo-Nazi group called SWAN (the Society of West Australian Nationalists), Nazzaro interviewed several potential candidates who had expressed an interest in joining the group. This pool included a former One Nation candidate and members (and leaders) of groups such as Lads Society, Order 15, Operation Werewolf, Identity Australia, Australian Natives Association and others. Applicants ranged in age from their teens to their 40s.

Ultimately, this attempt at establishing Australian cells would also come to naught, as the organisation soon descended into chaos following journalist Jason Wilson's doxxing of Nazzaro. Most applicants, however, continue to participate in other far-right organisations and projects. We’re aware that one has since renounced their far-right beliefs.

On 10 December 2021, The Base was officially proscribed in Australia as a terrorist organisation.

Almost one year later, on 8 December 2022, Thomas Sewell uploaded a selfie to his Telegram channel wearing a jacket with a patch featuring the logo of The Base.

The Base's Telegram channel reposted this selfie on 9 December 2022 with the caption, “Thomas Sewell is in The Base. Are you?” There is no evidence that there is still a cell of The Base within Australia.

Three American members of The Base are currently imprisoned for a plot to assassinate an antifascist activist and his wife. The neo-Nazis planned to ambush the antifascist activist inside his rural home, execute him and his wife with guns, and then burn the house down. Three other American members of The Base are imprisoned on federal charges relating to firearms and alien-related charges.

Access to firearms

We are concerned about the ability of members of the Australian far-Right to acquire firearms and firearms training. In early 2023, we conducted extensive research into this area.

In March 2023, our research with Nine journalist Nick McKenzie revealed that Australian Defence Force vetting processes had failed to detect several members of neo-Nazi groups who were currently serving in the Army. Some of them had previously been publicly named as neo-Nazis or posted neo-Nazi propaganda quite openly on their social media profiles.

Our research also revealed that Australian neo-Nazis were related to or in relationships with serving police officers, giving them potential access to firearms.

Further, we found that the Australian far-Right organisation, the Australian Natives Association, was listed as an Approved Hunting Organisation (AHO) by the NSW Department of Primary Industries. Membership of an AHO can be a stepping stone to acquiring a full firearms licence, and we observed members of this group spruiking this feature to accelerationist neo-Nazis on Telegram. In November 2019, when a Canberran teenager attempted to join The Base, he revealed in his vetting interview that he was a member of this group and that its leadership had indicated to him that they were racists and in favour of a white ethnostate. This situation should be treated seriously and reviewed.

Our investigations also revealed that in encrypted chats, neo-Nazis from the NSN and other groups were exchanging schematics for 3D-printed guns.

Finally, our research also found that a member of the NSN had attended a Sporting Shooters Association gun range while wearing a Sonnenrad symbol. This is the same symbol that Brenton Tarrant wore on his vest as he committed his atrocities. Given questions raised in the New Zealand Royal Commission about whether the Bruce Gun Club attended by Tarrant had a problematic culture, we feel that current levels of training to recognise signs of extremism may be lacking in Australian gun ranges.

A screenshot from DPoker Cabal III Telegram channel of a post dated 5 March 2022. A photograph taken from behind shows a white male aiming a gun at a target at SSAA Brisbane in Belmont. He is wearing a black t-shirt with a Sonnenrad design printed on it. His head is covered by a trollface sticker

We recommend that membership of any organisation with a whites-only membership policy should be automatic grounds for application of a Firearms Protection Order.

On September 15, 2023, neo-Nazis from National Socialist Network, armed with knives, attempted to attack an anti-fascist gig in Thornbury at Café Gummo. The gig was a fundraiser for us and the Black Peoples Union.

If you recognise any of these cowards e-mail us Please share this image in your networks and on your social media in case anyone recognises them. We have numbered the faces of those we do not yet know the names of.

If you would like to amplify our X post/tweet of these faces you can repost it at this link.

Video of National Socialist Network running like rats:

Our love, respect and solidarity with Melbourne SHARPs and other antifascist comrades who confronted the National Socialist Network on the streets of Thornbury. Antifascism is community self-defence.

There is a Chuffed link to donate to us and The Black Peoples Union for those who couldn't make the fundraiser gig. We have been an anti-fascist research collective for over five years and this is the first time we have fundraised. We aren't going anywhere. We often get messages asking “How can I help?” We know everyone is feeling the cost of living crisis at the moment, but if you have the capacity to donate to us (or share our fundraiser) we would be really grateful for the help. This will go towards our expenses for research like hosting and subscriptions, which aren't cheap.

We want to express our gratitude for and thanks to Café Gummo and Melbourne SHARPs for hosting the fundraiser for us and the Black Peoples Union, and the artists and bands who played: The Victim’s Ball, An Effigy To Extinction, Dire Need and Louts.

On 21 June 2023, Councillor Tim Baxter from the City of Port Phillip successfully tabled a motion to reaffirm the council's commitment to the LGBTIQA+ community after rainbow story hour events were cancelled due to threats from the far-right. This has come in the wake of a wave of cancellations from councils and other event organisers this year, particularly related to IDAHOBIT Day and during Pride Month. This motion allows the City of Port Phillip to begin work on how to hold safer events in the future, an urgent issue for many other councils that requires leadership. We are pleased that the City of Port Phillip is showing leadership on this issue and hope it will lead to safer events for the Rainbow Community and families.

There were some small changes to the motion by Councillor Baxter's colleagues, including the addition of Victoria Police as a stakeholder. Regardless of our position on police, their “safety advice” to councils has driven many event cancellations and councils will continue to liaise with them. In some instances, Victoria Police have told councils it's still unsafe even if drag queen story hours are moved to Zoom. Tom Tanuki has written about the issue of Victoria Police failing to protect the LGBTQI+ community, including events for children.

Councillor Baxter reached out to us and asked if we'd write a statement to support his motion and explain some of the groups who are involved in targeting councils and events for children. We wrote this in support of his draft motion and he read part of it in his speech to the council. We publish this below in the hope that it may assist other councillors who want to articulate the threat of the far-right, the need for solidarity with the Rainbow Community and the need for leadership on safety for community events.

Statement from The White Rose Society in support of Councillor Tim Baxter’s draft motion:

The White Rose Society is a collective of antifascist researchers from around Australia, formed in 2018. Our work has educated and informed the media, the public, community groups, and parliament about extremism, by documenting, exposing and countering the role and rise of fascism and neo-Nazism in Australia. We believe that in order to confront the increasing attacks against LGBTQI+ people in public life and find ways to counter it, we must name it correctly, as a form of far-right extremism.

The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated to many the interconnected dependencies between the far-right and conspiracy theories. For some time prior to the pandemic, the White Rose Society was concerned about the spread of organised conspiracy movements, particularly rhetoric emerging out of the ‘QAnon’ and the ‘Sovereign Citizen’ conspiracies, and had begun tracking this in our work. Because of the far-right nature of organised conspiracy movements and the many violent incidents associated with them, we continue to monitor and collaborate with other activists and researchers who are deeply invested in documenting the growth and impact of them on our society, families and friends.

One of the more troubling aspects of this phenomenon has been the global rise in far-right-directed moral panic against the LGBTQI+ community, and in particular, the current flash-point surrounding Drag Queen Story Hours. As such, we write this statement in support of Councillor Tim Baxter’s motion to reaffirm a commitment to protect our LGBTQI+ family and friends from far-right extremism.

The groups targeting these events, while often distinct, are, however, frequently interconnected via the online, far-right, conspiratorial milieu. Avowed white supremacists such as the National Socialist Network, a group with ties to convicted terrorists and/or intercepted extremist acts, have instigated some of these events and attempted to infiltrate the online spaces of ‘Sovereign Citizen’ groups like My Place in order to radicalise them further.

These groups are also connected via the surge in reactionary Christian-Right politics, with Christian Nationalist rhetoric and biblical references frequently used as justification for their actions. This may come in the form of prophet-like pronouncements from leaders within the various groups, or, in the case of Christian Lives Matter, a general militant obligation to “defend” their faith from the perceived attacks that social progress presents.

The radicalisation within conspiracist spaces is also achieved via Australian extremist outlets such as The XYZ, whose content is spread far and wide throughout conspiracist channels and accounts on Telegram and Twitter. The news-like medium is used to spread explicitly Antisemitic falsehoods which posit that movements to make society more inclusive are part of a broader global agenda of Jewish domination. A sentiment shared, albeit not always so openly or clearly defined, within the soft-right conspiracist groups, who prefer dog-whistle language such as ‘globalists’, ‘Khazarian Mafia’, or ‘Freemasons’. We must stress that such Antisemitic conspiracies should not be considered separate from the targeting of LGBTQI+ events.

Online, groups like National Socialist Network, My Place, The XYZ, and others use their social media accounts to “paint targets” on those they violently disagree with, including events for children, council staff, entertainers, activists, democratic or progressive institutions, healthcare workers, and politicians. This enables them to mobilise large groups of people, often from outside the council area, to send abuse and make threats online or in person.

Recently, this has escalated to organised attendance at council meetings by My Place in an effort to disrupt their proceedings, force changes, or sow distrust in the process of democracy itself. Some councils have cancelled events at the mere suggestion by the National Socialist Network that they would attend. This has only emboldened such groups, who have revelled in the idea that they can shut down an event just by mentioning it, even if they had no intention or capacity to actually attend it. Such responses by councils reinforce to both neo-Nazis and queer communities that support for LGBTQI+ people will buckle as soon as it gets a little too hard.

We believe that everyone has the right to feel safe at work and in their personal lives. Every council employee has the right to do their job free of abuse, harassment and threats of violence. Though Drag Queen Story Hours are the major focus of far-right groups at present, if tomorrow they ended forever, the far-right would find other reasons to target councils. Examples of this include conspiracists mobilising around 15 Minute Cities, the targeting of Holocaust literature, or Indigenous events.

These far-right extremists are ideologically authoritarian and anti-democratic and bear all the hallmarks, strategies, behaviours, and ideologies of fascistic movements before them. Intimidating council employees, including librarians, is a long-established tactic of far-right extremists. The White Rose Society knows from many years of observing far-right activity that conceding defeat at the mere threat of a far-right response does not make staff safer. This demonstrates to the far-right that councils are a soft target that will not only not resist them, but will openly retreat and willingly create space for them to grow.

We are deeply concerned at the escalation in offline events in countries such as Aotearoa New Zealand and the United States, where elected officials and their staff have been subjected to violent attacks and attempts at “citizen’s arrests” by ‘Sovereign Citizens’, all of which is followed very closely by, if not directly connected to, groups here in Australia. In the United States, which often drives far-right political thought and tactics, groups of neo-Nazis terrorise Drag Queen Story Hours, chanting and Sieg Heiling. Similarly, on the streets of Melbourne, neo-Nazis are also regularly mobilising to intimidate the LGBTQI+ community. We must not normalise the mobilisation of the far-right by capitulating to their whims and demands.

This concern is also exacerbated by the fact that in online far-right spaces in Australia, it is common to see public advocacy for executions of political and social enemies and fantasies of a military takeover that would usher in “Nuremberg 2.0.” This fetishisation of violence often includes explicit support for the Train family, who executed three people in Wieambilla in what many conspiracists consider to be a “false flag” operation and was instantly folded into the broader conspiratorial narratives prevalent within these groups.

During this time of global far-right-directed moral panic against people of diverse genders and sexualities, we strongly emphasise the necessity of continued partnership and solidarity with advocacy groups centred on and led by members of the LGBTQI+ community. A commitment to diversity and inclusion requires courage and leadership from councils, to enact policy and respond to the far-right in a way that advances the struggle of the LGBTQI+ community for progress and equal social status. The far-right would see LGBTQ+ people shunned from society or eradicated completely. Our solidarity with the LGBTQI+ community and a unified stance against the far-right is essential.

Resources on holding safer events:

Content warning for extreme misogyny, racism, Antisemitism, Islamophobia and violence, discussions of neo-Nazi terrorist attacks, and mention (but no description) of rape.

Gabriel Llewellyn Russell Seymour from Thornlands is the leader of the Queensland branch of Australia's largest neo-Nazi network, the National Socialist Network (NSN). Posting simply as ‘Gabe’ in Nazi online chats or as ‘Gabe Smith’ on wider social media, Seymour's identity was unknown until our research was used to profile him in the recent expose by The Age of Australian neo-Nazi leaders:

Seymour’s identity was confirmed by anti-fascist researchers from the White Rose Society using online surveillance. They matched photos he posted of neo-Nazi propaganda at his Queensland home to pictures of a house listed for sale on a real estate website. Public records linked Seymour to this home address.

A side-by-side with two photos of Gabe Seymour, a relatively tall and very pale blonde man with ears that stick out, a large chin area and a permanently worried expression. The first pic is a full-body shot from a group photo and the second is just his head in a shirtless mirror selfie.

Seymour admins the Werwulf HQ neo-Nazi Telegram channel which frequently posts extremist material. He makes propaganda for the NSN and its other division, the European Australian Movement. He was also an active participant in the small neo-Nazi Telegram chat ‘Aus Boogaloo’ which is where we first noticed him.

Gabe Seymour was studying at the University of Queensland to be a pharmacist, and may still be working as an assistant pharmacist. His potential access to confidential data is a serious concern.

We have observed that Seymour's behaviour shows an escalating commitment to extremism and an ongoing glorification of violence.

Seymour glorifies violence

In private online group chats, Seymour frequently uses dehumanising, racist, misogynistic, and violent language and rhetoric. He has celebrated Tarrant's terrorist attack and ‘fedposted’ (openly talking about committing future crimes) about committing his own attack to 'remove kebabs' (a reference to Brenton Tarrant's attack on Muslims). He has written dehumanising comments about Asian and Muslim pharmacy customers he encountered in his workplace. He has even fantasised about committing violence against his neighbours. And perhaps most alarmingly, he has shared plans for 3D-printed guns in a chat and clearly has access to guns which he is actively training with. All of this was in the extremist 'Aus Boogaloo' group chat, which, it's important to note, also included extremist Conor Sretenovic.

The Southern Poverty Law Center has described how the ‘Boogaloo’ meme emerged concurrently in anti-government and white power online spaces in the early 2010s:

In both of these communities, “boogaloo” was frequently associated with racist violence and, in many cases, was an explicit call for race war. Today the term is regularly deployed by white nationalists and neo-Nazis who want to see society descend into chaos so that they can come to power and build a new fascist state.

In April of 2021, Seymour shared instructions for 3D printing firearms and constructing IEDs to the Aus Boogaloo private group chat – at the time renamed as ‘Aus Milk bag’.

A screenshot from the telegram chat Aus Milkbag where Gabe has posted a link to a zip file, which has been blurred out but depicts guns and is titled Gun Plans 2019, with the words, Just drop that here if anyone needs it. Special Six responds, Minecraft mods, and Gabe says, 10GB of Minecraft shaders and textures.

The 'Minecraft mods' comment by ‘Special Six’ is a reference to the ‘In Minecraft’ meme. This meme is part of a ridiculous and ineffective strategy of ‘plausible deniability’ which is encultured within neo-Nazi movements.

Seymour has an obsession with guns and shooting. Here's a photo taken while travelling in Japan at an airsoft shop. Seymour has pinned his target practice on his bedroom wall alongside his Nazi flags and propaganda.

Screenshots from the Aus Boogaloo chat from February 1. Gabe posts a pic of him shooting at an indoor airsoft shooting range with the caption, Shame guns are banned here too but Airsoft isn't bad. The other screenshot shows the chat Aus Boogaloo 2. Gabe posts a photo of a bedroom wall with sheets from target practice, nazi war flags, and various german war paraphernalia. He says, Gotta give asio something nice to look at. The chat admires the photo with him, calling it fucking amazing and v nice.

Seymour has fantasised about taking his target practice into the real world, forgetting to qualify his fedposting with the “in Minecraft” disclaimer. He has gone so far as to muse on whether or not he is “dedicated enough to die or go to prison for removing a few kebabs”:

Screenshots of a conversation of Aus Boogaloo between K R and Gabe. K R talks about someone being removed from the cops or put on paperwork. Gabe, Mhm, But you can be Isis member and just chill, Fuck government cunt people need to act. K R, Based gabe, But do you have balls. Gabe, Do I feel lucky, Do I feel dumb enough to ruin my life over a hatred of society, Almost, Not yet, But almost. K R, Dumb or dedicated. Gabe, True, Dedicated enough to die or go to prison for removing a few kebabs, Idk, Would seem like a waste of life, wait til youre older and plan it out, Try to take out thousands. K R then suggests Jews instead and they talk about how Jews live in the shadows, controlling society, and don't do real work. End of screenshots.

Seymour and the ‘Aus Boogaloo’ chat also shared the livestream and messages approving of Tarrant's massacre as well as Stephan Balliet's attack on the synagogue in Halle, Germany in October 2019 along with memes calling Balliet a new “Saint” (a martyr of fascist struggle).

More Aus Boogaloo screenshots. Gabe says to Michael, who's asked about the ADF, Cringe, dont become a pawn working for a government that hates you. And then a doctored image of a youtube video, now titled Kids React To The Christchurch Shooting, showing a boy grinning as he watches the Tarrant livestream. Next shows Mr Cow posting the livestream video. In another, Gabe responds to a Christchurch zip file with, This better be the album with Cheer up, Brendan Tarrant killed a few in it. In another, Slattery posts a video of the German shooter with the caption, Saint Confirmed. Mr Cow asks for a full video. Slattery says, there's channels, its about a gig. Mr Cow then forwards the full video. In the next screenshot he describes it as, The dude in germany that tried to tarrant a synagogue but fucked up real bad. Gabe asks, Is that the cuck that got stopped by a door an shot some randoms on the street. Fun Gas then comes in with pictures of Hitler as a goodnight message. End screenshots.

Seymour is extremely racist, frequently referring to Jews as “kikes” and once polled the chat to ask “Are niggers considered human?”

More Aus Boogaloo screenshots. Gabe posts Avi Yemeni complaining about a journalist, and says, Look at this stupid kike whinge, Cannot joke about Jooz. Special Six, Muh holocaust. Slattery, Avi midget Jew sniper. The next screenshot shows Gabe doing an Anonymous poll asking Are niggers considered human. The two options are both No. Gabe, K R and a deleted account joke about women always being Jews, bipolar or bisexual. In the next screenshot Special Six says, This kind of stuff turns me into a racist. Gabe, Hahahahaha U arent turned into a racist lol, Nature is racist, Kikes just brainwash people to think, oh we are above all that natural selection garbage. Special Six, Cant trust them, and posts a video titled Top Ten Reasons To Like Israel. Gabe laughs. The last screenshot Special Six says, Ben Shapiro is based. Gabe, Hes a filthy neocon kike who need his brains stomped in. Special Six, Good answer. Gabe replies to his own threat of violence, In Minecraft I mean. End screenshots.

As the pandemic hit, the chat discussed ‘the Boogaloo’ and what happens if SHTF (Shit Hits The Fan). Seymour’s Boogaloo fantasies extended beyond looting for supplies to disturbing and violent fantasies about his neighbours, saying, “if it hits the fan i have multiple neighbours I'd love to put a knife through.”

Screenshots from the Aus Coofaloo chat. Mr Cow posts a meme about a caveman version of a dont step on me libertarian. Gabe says, Fuck prepper gang, Raider is much better, Think about how many fat, useless old cunts are hoarding shit, So easy to take. Mr Cow, Yeah boy, my mate whos a cop is saying many cops will be isolated on sick leave. So thier wont be enough cops arounf. Gabe, Good shit good ahit. If it hits the fan i have multiple neighbours Id love to put a knife through. Mr Cow, They are deploying detectives to frontline because they are struggling for numbers. Gabe, Hahahahaha thats cute. Mr Cow responds to Gabes neighbour threat with, Bruh. Gabe, Bro next door is done for. All im gonna say. Mr Cow, Hahahahaha tp time. Gabe, Nah idec if they have stocks, they made threats against ny family. It will just be out of spite. Mr Cow, Knock knock. End screenshots.

Seymour trained at Bloodshed Muay Thai Gym in 2020. Even at that stage he felt he had reason to hide his legal name.

A Bloodshed Muay Thai gym Facebook post from 5 December 2020 that says Fight announcement in all-caps. Gabe Smith vs name redacted. The attached picture shows a much scrawnier and less muscular Gabe Seymour shirtless and holding his fists up halfheartedly. The other fighter is completely pixellated for privacy.

A group photo of scrawny Gabe in a huddle with twelve other people in Muay Thai clothes. His pale skin looks grey in the low light.

He has since moved on to fight training in public parks in Brisbane with other members of the NSN.

A screenshot of the European Australian Movement Telegram channel and post dated 13 November 2022. Seven men with their faces blurred pose for a photograph in a park in Queensland with large trees behind them. Five of the men are standing and holding up their fists wearing boxing gloves. Two of the men are kneeling and hold a European Australian Movement flag, which is an altered swastika.

The activities of the National Socialist Network in Queensland have so far been limited to banner drops, letterboxing, postering and stickering, punching each other and rival neo-Nazis in public parks, and vandalising sacred sites like carving a swastika into White Rock at Ipswich.

A screenshot of the European Australian Movement Telegram channel and a post dated 25 February 2022. A photograph shows twelve neo-Nazis dressed in black posing for a photograph at the top of White Rock in Ipswich. They have carved a swastika into the rock, desecrating this sacred site. Below they have copy pasted this text to mock it. This Conservation Estate remains sacred to the Traditional Owners of Ipswich. Some of the Cultural Landscapes within this estate include White Rock, the caves and outcrop overhangs. These sacred sites are very important to the Traditional Owners as they provide a link between Country and personal identity and allow the passing on of cultural knowledge. As per Cultural Protocol the Traditional Owners have requested no one climbs White Rock.

A larger version of the same photo showing twelve neo-Nazis dressed in black posing for a photograph at the top of White Rock in Ipswich. They have carved a swastika into the rock, desecrating this sacred site.

That's Gabe Seymour in the red shoes. His small friend and fellow National Socialist Network member Zachary Mark Makkinga ('Lanes') bought the exact same pair of red shoes to be more like Gabe. Like Gabe, he's also been raided by Counter Terrorism.

In Mid-2022, Gabe travelled to Gunnedah with other members from QLD to attend an NSN training camp/cross-burning with members of the NSW cell.

Gabe travelled to Melbourne for the national meet-up in December 2022 at the Legacy Boxing Gym in Sunshine West and fought someone known as “Phil”. Gabe edited their propaganda video from that event to share internationally on Telegram. Gabe was responsible for fucking up the blurring on a split second of a video frame, where we clearly saw Legacy Boxing Gym's owner Tim Lutze in the ring.

A screenshot from the Werewolf HQ Telegram channel of a post dated 19 December 2022. A black and white photo shows Gabe Seymour sitting just outside of a boxing ring, leaning on the ropes. Another neo-Nazi whose face is pixelated, sits inside the ring on a chair or stool, leaning back on the ropes. Surrounding them standing outside the ring are eight neo-Nazis with their faces blurred, and National Socialist Network leaders Thomas Sewell and Jimeone Roberts, with their faces unblurred. The caption on the image is Brotherhood.

Is Gabe Seymour escalating?

Gabe Seymour is one of the few members (alongside Jimeone Roberts and Jack Eltis) of National Socialist Network who has “face doxxed”. This represents a clear escalation in radical behaviour. With his martial arts and weapons training, psychopathic fantasies, as well as access to sensitive personal information through possible employment in a pharmacy, Seymour is one of the most concerning members of NSN.

A screenshot of a Telegram profile in the name of Gabe. In the profile pic, Gabe Seymour is flexing in a mirror in front of a grey wall. He is wearing a white singlet with a Reichsadler printed on it and blue shorts. This was the first time he face doxxed on Telegram in August 2022.

A number of NSN members co-admin a public trolling channel called DPoker that frequently posts death and rape threats towards academics, activists, journalists, law enforcement, politicians, and other public figures. It was on this channel in early March that an admin posted an alarming photo taken at a shooting range in Belmont, about a 20-minute drive from Seymour's house.

A screenshot from DPoker Cabal III Telegram channel of a post dated 5 March 2022. A photograph taken from behind shows a white male aiming a gun at a target at SSAA Brisbane in Belmont. He is wearing a black t-shirt with a Sonnenrad design printed on it. His head is covered by a trollface sticker.

Only four years ago, Australian neo-Nazi terrorist Brenton Tarrant posted an online manifesto with the Black Sun (or ‘Sonnenrad’) on the cover, put on a bulletproof vest with a Sonnenrad patch and picked up weapons painted with the Sonnenrad. He then massacred 51 people who were at Ṣalāt al-Jumuʿah (Friday prayers).

Photograph of Brenton Tarrant's gear showing his Sonnenrad patch and dog tags.

It beggars belief that a member of National Socialist Network was able to go shooting at a gun range wearing this same extremist symbol without being challenged. The Royal Commission into the Christchurch massacre found that concerns about Tarrant's behaviour while training at a gun club in Aotearoa New Zealand had been inadequately reported. We are alarmed that an NSN member has been able to boldly proclaim their Nazi sympathies while training with guns.

Gabe Seymour, prospective pharmacist

We have strong reasons to believe that Gabe Seymour is a current or former assistant pharmacist. We are extremely concerned about Gabe Seymour’s access to the personal details (including addresses, date of birth, Medicare numbers etc.) and private medical information of pharmacy customers. Given Seymour’s violent fixations about his political and racial enemies, the information accessible to him in his position at a pharmacy could allow him to build profiles on people, share their information among his neo-Nazi comrades, or carry out harassment or violent attacks himself.

Seymour revealed in Telegram chats that he was studying Pharmacy at the University of Queensland and working (at least during 2020) at a chemist. Below, he calls female customers at his workplace 'roasties' (a misogynistic term from Incel culture to refer to sexually active women) and discusses how he shames them if they buy the morning-after pill or are prescribed the contraceptive pill, by refusing to give them a bag for their purchase.

Screenshots from a Telegram chat called Aus Right Wing Fed Squad of a conversation between Murdoch, Mr Cow, Hansel and Gabe. Murdoch, Stop the pill. Murdoch posts a meme pretending to be a black lives matter infographic to trick people into getting 14 88 tattoos. Murdoch, remove the negro, remove the chink, remove the pill. Mr Cow, hashtag B L M 14 88. Gabe responds to Murdoch's stop the pill, Based. Hansel, why's there so many childhood disorders these days. has child past the 30 year cut off for good health. Gabe, at work I always make roasties walk out with in in their hands, you can see they are shameful about it. No bag for you. Mr Cow, hahahahaha savage cunt. Gabe, nah fuck em cunt. You can tell they want one too. Same with contraceptive pills. Murdoch, Fuckign nation of degenerate men. Gabe, wear it proud scumbag. Murdoch, should secure a white waifu and impregnate her immediately.

Gabe Seymour studying at the University of Queensland

Gabe Seymour posted in the Aus Boogaloo chat about studying Pharmacy at the University of Queensland.

The NSN posted photographs taken on the UQ campus giving (unwanted and unwelcomed) support to embattled stupol activist Drew Pavlou.

A screenshot of the National Socialist Network Telegram channel of a post dated 19 July 2020. Three neo Nazis stand in front of The University of Queensland St Lucia campus sign. They are wearing all black and black balaclavas. Two of them are holding a National Socialist Network flag, which is an altered swastika. Their caption reads, While the University of Queensland sells out to China, we stand with Drew Pavlou against the yellow communist vermin who are infiltrating all our countrys institutions. Australia for the White man.

Below Seymour shares a selfie wearing a Nazi SS shirt while on campus at The University of Queensland:

Screenshots from Aus Boogaloo 2 chat including a selfie of Gabe Seymour wearing a black t-shirt with a Totenkopf printed on it in white while he is on campus at the University of Queensland. This symbol is most commonly associated with Hitler's Schutzstaffel or SS. Gabe Seymour boasts in the chat about the looks he got on campus for wearing it.

Gabe Seymour uploads a photo of his assessment and says “apparently remove kebab isn't the right answer” (a reference to Brenton Tarrant's attack on mosques in Christchurch on 15 March 2019).

A screenshot of Aus Boogaloo chat. Gabe Seymour uploads an image of a multiple choice question for a university assessment and says Low res but apparently remove kebab isn't the right answer.

Seymour also posted in the chat about his studies in the pharmacy course, mocked pregnant women and mocked people prescribed medical cannabis, called his pharmacy course 'gay bullshit', and mocked the idea of health equity.

Gabe Seymour at home

Seymour lives at home with his parents in Thornlands and adorns his bedroom walls with neo-Nazi propaganda and target practices. He's been raided at home by counter-terrorism at least once, and had his bank account cancelled.

A screenshot of Aus Boogaloo chat. Gabe Seymour posts a photograph of his bedroom with his walls decorated with Nazi flags and propaganda and says Reckon that's enough evidence for when feds raid my house.

A screenshot of Australian Meditations Nationalist Yarn chat. Gabe Seymour replies to a voice message and says Had it happen to me after raid, bank account shut down a couple of months after they asked me questions, i said I didn't wanna answer but they said I have to otherwise they'd close my account. Full schizos. And then wouldn't say why they closed my account Just say they don't want to continue business with me. Stefanos Eracelous replies as Australian Meditations 51 and says yeah I got an email from commbank years ago saying for commercial reasons they are closing my account...but that was after i racially abused the staff cos they fucked my account up i don't think it was counter terrorism related. i reckon NAB is fishing for now and they are probably planning to shut things down. Landrews replies to Gabe and says Did you open with another bank?

A collage of photos of Gabe Seymour's bedroom showing his walls decorated with Nazi flags and propaganda, his German Shepherd dog. He has pinned his target practices up from Rothwell Professional Indoor Industry Pistol Club in Rothwell. Gabe Seymour has pinned his target practices up from Rothwell Professional Indoor Industry Pistol Club in Rothwell on his bedroom wall along with his Nazi flags and propaganda.

If you have any information about Gabe Seymour, you can e-mail us in confidence at

Action items


The SSSA range has been made aware of the posts above. If you have concerns about psychopathic neo-Nazis being granted firearms licences, we recommend reaching out to your local MP as well as the responsible minister, the Honorable Mark Ryan.

Contact the Pharmacy Board politely to express your concerns about any registration or future registration of Gabriel Llewellyn Russell Seymour as a pharmacist and explain why, citing this article and our post.

We understand that the recent 4 Corners report has renewed interest in Gabe Seymour. A previous blogpost of ours recommended contacting his local gun club SSAA Brisbane.

The club acted on his involvement two years ago but we inadvertently left up a call to contact the club about it.

Gabe Seymour no longer resides in QLD. Please do not contact the club in question.

To our knowledge, Gabe Seymour did not graduate from the University of Queensland in pharmacy.

Chemist Warehouse stated he did not currently work there at the time of publication but didn't comment on past employment.

On December 3rd 2022, the National Socialist Network (NSN)/European Australian Movement (EAM) held a Mixed Martial Arts event at an undisclosed location. In advertising for the event, they said that it would take place in the Western Suburbs of Melbourne.

The Age newspaper today disclosed the location of this event. We provide the following information for the benefit of parents whose children attend this gym.

On December 11, the EAM Telegram channel posted a photo from the event. It depicted 47 people in an industrial gym setting with EAM and swastika flags hanging from the walls. Most of the people in the photo had their faces blurred in addition to wearing face coverings. For some reason, it seemed a few remained unsure about the quality of the NSN's opsec.

A group photo taken from above of 47 white men in a gym wearing black EAM shirts, or shirtless. A young child in a balaclava stands at the front nest to Jim Roberts, who has a large swastika tattoo on his breast.

The gym in the photograph was very quickly identified by a number of anti-fascist researchers as belonging to Legacy Boxing Gym, and located in Sunshine West.

At first glance, you might assume that the space had been rented without the owners being aware of who they were allowing in – a common tactic for the far-Right. After all, who would knowingly welcome a motley crew of racists, incels and thugs into their business?

In this case, that would be Timothy Lutze – one of the owners of Legacy Boxing, an active participant in this neo-Nazi event, and someone who has previously used their child as a prop in neo-Nazi propaganda.

Across the social profiles of Legacy Boxing and its owners, we found numerous examples of Timothy Lutze giving a friendly wave to the camera, and encouraging the young men in his care to do the same.

A group photo in a smaller room of three adults and three youths, where an adult - Timothy - and the young guy next to him are giving stiff-armed salutes. The youths' faces are blurred and the adults are all smiling. The photo is part of a post from an anonymised Facebook profile, from 9 July 2021.

Another group photo with two adults and the same three youths. All three youths and Timothy are giving stiff-armed salutes. Again, the adults are smiling and the youths' faces are blurred. The photo is part of a screenshot of Legacy Boxing Gym's Facebook post from 10 July 2021. Someone commented, Johnny choose not to wave to the camera, two laughing emojis.

A domestic scene. A woman, a teenage boy with his face blurred, and an older man stand in the foreground. The teenage boy is holding a baking dish with the remnants of bacon and eggs. In the background, Timothy Lutze gives a stiff-armed salute.

It's not a crime to be friendly, but then we noticed that tattoos in these photos matched those of a man Sieg Heiling in a photo previously released by the EAM. He stands in the centre of the photo behind a young boy.

A group photo at a public children's playground. It shows mostly fairly young white men, including one man with arm tattoos sieg heiling along with a young child who stands in front of him, as well as Jimeone Roberts, who has a shirt on this time and stands beside them. Most faces are blurred but a few aren't, including Roberts and Tom Sewell.

We saw these tattoos again in a photo posted to a neo-Nazi chat run by former Young Liberal Stephen Eracleous.

The photo – posted by a user with the handle @legacyboxing and using the name Rebecca – shows a young child Sieg Heiling at Movie World on the Gold Coast.

A screenshot from the telegram chat Australian Meditations Nationalist Yarn. Rebecca has sent a photo of two adults and two children all with faces whited out, riding a ghost train style ride. The young girl is sieg heiling. Behind her you can see Timothy Lutze's distinctive arm tattoos as he braces against the scary ride. Rebecca has captioned it, My daughter today at movie world. 1488. Someone responds by circling a goblin above the car and asks, Why didn't you blur out this Jews face, with two laugh reacts. Rebecca responds, Hahaha my bad they are always going after children... Hansel and Gretel. Someone called Michael also responds, Hahahah.

A few days prior to this Movie World adventure, @legacyboxing/Rebecca had posted: “Just attended the karate nationals in Rockhampton alot of white power. Alot boomer with half Asian kids too.”

A screenshot of the above-mentioned text in a message from Rebecca in the Australian Meditations Nationalist Yarn telegram chat.

We have confirmed that Timothy Lutze and his partner Rebecca Morris (formerly Rebecca Michael) both attended the Karate Nationals in Rockhampton.

Finally, Timothy Lutze's distinctive sleeve tattoos could be seen throughout a video released by the NSN celebrating the event – and in one frame, his distinctive face.

A frame from the NSN promotional video of a fight at the gym. Most people's faces are blurred, but Timothy's face escapes the blur in this frame, and his arm tattoos are once again visible.

Sport should be a healthy and supportive culture for young athletes and it’s important to keep these spaces free of extremism so children and teens of all backgrounds can participate. We commend Boxing Victoria for deregistering Legacy Boxing Gym and suspending the registration of all coaches involved with the gym pending an investigation of the allegations in January 2023.

We've linked some resources below to help parents and caregivers grappling with issues of youth radicalisation or those who want to be vigilant about protecting their children. Fascists and neo-Nazis actively groom increasingly younger children into cultures of hatred in order to recruit them for offline groups.

Content warning: the below includes racial slurs, mentions of CSA, and extremist bigotry, including racism, antisemitism, ableism, homophobia. We have collected a large number of posts by McNamara, what follows is a representative sample.

Alice McNamara, a white woman with a blonde bowl cut, holding a guitar and smiling. Inset is a screenshot of Mary Manson's Telegram profile. The username is IndoorChickenFarmer and the bio reads, I hate spiritual niggers.

The Age have reported yesterday:

Another anti-lockdown promoter has been unmasked as Alice McNamara, a musician who runs a children’s music business, KiddyRock. Ms McNamara, who has been posting neo-Nazi and anti-lockdown propaganda under an online alias, hung up the phone when contacted.

This seems unbelievable to those who knew her personally as Alice, or as Ally Spazzy from the mid-2000s pop punk band The Spazzys.

A twitter reply to at tom underscore tanuki that says, Gutted. Havent seen her in a decade I reckon but just sooo doesnt clock with the person I used to work with at the pub back in the mid 2000s!

McNamara has been a prolific member of the flourishing conspiracy-driven anti-lockdown movement since the start of the pandemic. Our investigations show, however, that her views predate 2020 and that she regularly shares abhorrent racist and white supremacist views in blackpilled accelerationist groups. This is a shocking contrast between her public persona and her work with children.

Ally Spazzy Kiddyrock & The Cool Bananas – Blackfella/Whitefella (Warumpi Band) @ Elsternwick Park (21st June 2015) from Carbie Warbie on Vimeo.

As 'Mary Manson', however, McNamara doesn't hold back:

A Telegram Screenshot that reads, Mary Manson, Yeh its occured to me that we have to be racist. I cannot abide a chink or an Indian looking down on me. That article on microagression got me thinking. Куд replies, It is our duty. Mary Manson, Yes. Chinks and Indians and niggers need to know their place. And BTW they only respect racist white people anyway. They know we are superior to them too. As long as we act like it.

McNamara is referring to an article from a fascist publication that describes how to have fun while using racist microaggressions in the “war on coloured people” in the workplace. It includes advice for causing maximum upset and offence but staying on the right side of the law. There are suggestions for how to make fun of people's names, cultures, backgrounds and food while maintaining plausible deniability.

McNamara's response? “Lots of great advice and tips in here!”

Mary Manson, Thats laughable to me. Dave responds, Yes but you're a hard ass fascist. Mary Manson, I know I probably sojnd judgemental and I have done stupid things I regret in the past but I'll own them and that's been a big part of my process to FASCISM Face With Tears of Joy emoji. I just have no time for porn addicts and deviant behaviour. Like you can do it but you'll get what you deserve. Better to just be honest and live right so you don't have to feel shame and no-one can blackmail you.

So, who is 'Mary Manson'?

Mary manson's bio again, with her URL at IndoorChickenFarmer and the bio, I hate spiritual niggers.

On the one hand, 'Mary Manson' is a typical anti-vaxxer. She's made posters for protests, medical exemption letters, attends protests and boasts of not wearing a mask.

An image post from Mary Manson on Telegram that shows a fake Medical certificate. It has a large red circle with a white cross in it and says, Medical Exemption, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. and links to the DHHS website. The paragraph below reads, To whom it may concern, This letter is to certify that Blank is currently receiving treatment for a medical cndition caused by wearing a mask and is therefore considered exempt. Respectfully yours, Blank.

Mary Manson writes, OK so I will make a PDF version so it prints better. And she adds a download link for the PDF.

But she also hates Jews, denigrates lesbian parents, and promotes Siege, the notorious and influential accelerationist text by child pornographer neo-Nazi James Mason. This text has inspired some of the most extreme violent far-right terrorist groups in the world today.

Mary Manson replies to Jay, saying, The problem is that some Jewish elites aided by some traitorous and ignorant goys are tryna fulfill their own prophecies as laid out jn the Protocols of the elders of Zion and if I say that to anyone outside of telegram they freak out.

'Mary Manson' has also talked about the benefits of showing children an American neo-Nazi story book. This is a serious concern as 'Mary Manson' has access to children through her small business providing musical education to children. She also did childcare for a doctor once her business was closed due to lockdowns.

A preview of Telegram user Saint saying, I know a few GPs who didn't want to... and Mary Manson replies, Because they're 100% liable because no-one else is? Is that the reason for all the paperwork? She replies to Saint again, whose message is previewed as, On the negative side, I've heard there... and Mary replies, Yeh. The dad I babysit is a doctor and he got the jab. She replies to herself, Lol. I don't babysit the dad. I babysit for the dad haha.

But how do we know 'Mary Manson' is really Alice McNamara?

We first noticed 'Mary Manson' in Proud Boys chats as a Holocaust denier:

Some Telegram logs from the Dusty Drinking Team chat, where Mary Manson says, I'm not right. Lol. There is no political solution. Hey Bra replies, What are ya. Mary says, A prepper.

More Telegram logs from the Dusty Drinking Team chat. Hey Bra says, The Holocaust is tricky. I think it happened. I wanna go see it for myself but I think it happened. Maybe didn't happen in the numbers we are told though. Mary Manson replies, NAZI! Yeh it definitely didn't and Germany is still paying reparations for people that didn't ever even exist. Hey Bra responds, I'm against Zionism but I don't buy into the zeitgeist conspiracy either. Vito responds to a different message with, Proud Boys. Mary responds to Hey Bra with, I mean ... the numbers aren't right. They rounded up some Jews. Put them in camps.

Telegram chat screenshots where Mary Manson says, Yeh I get booted from chats when I DESTROY retards and proud boys. Proud boys are proud zionists FYI everyone else in this chat. Foxie Ferguson says, I got booted from Melbourne freedom rally.

We then we saw her taking a prominent role in some Melbourne anti-lockdown chats. And we tracked her to neo-Nazi online spaces. Over the last 18 months, we have collected a multitude of data points. We know many people will be shocked by our information and we take the task of proving her identity very seriously. Below we show some of our evidence.

By going through her posts, we were able to identify a number of matching data points between 'Mary Manson' and McNamara: both were women living in Melbourne, both owned a small business providing musical education to children, and both had connections to the Australian alternative music scene.

In one post 'Mary Manson' remarks with surprise that Australian music broadcaster Jane Gazzo had joined one of the more antisemitic Telegram chat groups in the Australian anti-lockdown online environment.

A Telegram chat where Mary Manson says, Hey guys I think it's hilarious that Jane Gazzo is in the covid 19 truth group Face With Tears of Joy emoji. Can't believe she knows about they jews. Another guy I know just joined it as well. Really funny.

At the time she posted this, the most recent poster in the Covid 19 Truth Group chat was Jane Anderson aka Calamity22:

A screenshot of Jane Anderson's Telegram profile with the username at Calamity22.

Jane Gazzo has published in the past using the nom de plume Calamity Jane.

'Mary Manson' explained to others in the chat that she knew 'Jane Anderson' was Gazzo because she had her number saved in her phone – Telegram's settings mean that contact names in your device will supercede a person's chosen display name.

Telegram chats where Ry Irish asks, haha is it definitely her? and Mary Manson responds, Yes because I have her number saved in my phone. But can you check if she is listed? Because I'm worried that if I can see her coz she's in my contacts then she can see me too.

We are not suggesting that Gazzo has posted antisemitic content, indeed her edgiest contribution to the Australian anti-lockdown space was a declaration that she had travelled on a tram without a mask.

Telegrams chats where Jane Anderson posts, Spent 3 hours walking around the city centre yesterday in Melb, Flinders, Collins et al. No mask on the entire time, no mask on tram either. Nobody stopped me, nobody said a word and cops drove past me many times. OK Hand, Medium Light Skin Tone emoji, OK Hand, Medium Light Skin Tone emoji

In other postings, 'Mary Manson' identified a number of Facebook groups she had joined. We discovered that Alice McNamara was a member of each of these groups.

'Mary' and Alice also shared some other data points. Out of respect for McNamara's family, we have left some sensitive personal details out.

The smoking gun

But it was the metadata from anti-lockdown propaganda she created that provided the definitive link. Using publicly accessible data, we were able to cross-match metadata in documents made by 'Mary Manson' to Kiddyrock, the business registered to Alice McNamara.

There is no doubt that 'Mary Manson' is a pseudonym for Alice (Ally) McNamara.

How did McNamara get radicalised?

It was only six short years ago that Alice McNamara was performing anti-racist anthems at the Community Cup. How did she go from performing Blackfella/Whitefella to becoming a Siege-pilled neo-Nazi?

We can't say for sure but one clue might be on an old YouTube profile, where Alice had subscribed to the channel of anti-feminist YouTuber Carl Benjamin (a/k/a Sargon of Akkad).

Telegram chats from 24 March. Mary Manson says, I even had people calling me and congratulating me, Face With Tears of Joy emoji. I was like bitch I've been on telegram for 2 years literally nothing bothers me. I called the patriarchy a conspiracy theory.

In one discussion, 'Mary' references having dropped a supposed truth-bomb about feminism onto a shocked and awed social media audience. Everybody clapped.

In other conversations with members of the far-Right, she makes reference to watching the videos of far-Right pastor Jesse Lee Peterson. It seems probable that McNamara simply followed a well-worn path down the YouTube rabbit hole. She's certainly not the first musician to travel this path.

What next?

Members of Alice McNamara's old band The Spazzys have now issued a statement about Ally's views.

An Instagram comment by kat underscore underscore lj, which reads, It has come to my attention this morning, that Ally Spazzy, a former member of our band, is alleged to have been involved in posting online hate speech. Ally’s views had become increasingly odd, irrational and conspiratorial over recent years, indeed, that is the reason why The Spazzys have not been able to play together for some time. We are shocked and saddened to now discover that she is alleged to have been anonymously posting in support of neo nazi beliefs. Lucy Spazzy and I condemn such views in the strongest possible terms. They are abominable and offensive to us. They do not reflect that attitude and character of the band either before or after Ally was a member. Kat Spazzy

We send our best wishes to the remaining band members. We release this information as a public service especially for those parents who entrusted their children to someone concealing their real abhorrent opinions and political standpoint.

Proud Boys

Calling for Proud Boys to join the anti-lockdown protests, which later happened

Telegram screenshots from the Dusty Bogans chat, where the Dusty Bogan says, True. I'm not sure who is organising any protests. Are you on FB? They might have some events organised. Mary Manson responds, The sovereign citizen loons seem to be the only people doing anything. Screenshots continued. Slavinator says, There's supposed to be a big anti dan Andrews protest in sept 6th I believe, don't have anymore info. Mary continues, So looks like I'm gonna have to join up with them. Screenshots continued. Mary responds to Slavinator, I'll be there if it goes ahead. Slavinator says, same, and links a youtube video called Kovid Kombat, Battle for the republic of Australia...

In anti-lockdown groups, 'Mary' would promote the infamous neo-Nazi text 'Siege' by convicted child pornographer James Mason. Siege promotes the idea that leaderless terrorist cells are necessary in order to bring about a White revolution.

Telegram screenshots where Jay says, This is it. We fight together or we die together. Mary says, Or we seige together. Jay says, Have you ever analysed the HIV AIDS debate? Mary links a forwarded Telegram message from NLB which is a download link for James Mason Siege 3rd Edition. She adds, Please read everybody.

In neo-Nazi chats, 'Mary' expressed her love of reading in other ways, suggesting that other neo-Nazis might find some value in showing children a book by American Nazi Party founder George Lincoln Rockwell

Telegram chats from 11 March. Mary Manson says, Show this to your kids they will love it. So good. The linked video shows a thumbnail with ducks in a pond under a banner that says DuckVille. White Socks replies with a gif that says, No, I don't think I will. Telegram chats continue. Mary Manson asks Why bro? It's a George Lincoln Rockwell children's story. It's cool. I only just saw it didn't forward the info with it. White Socks responds with an image of a white robot making a shocked but interested face.

Anti-Lockdown activities

Attending anti-lockdown rallies and ignoring health directives around mask-wearing.

Telegram chats from August 5. Mary Manson says, Is anyone actually following the lockdown orders though? Doesn't seem like it to me. I go where I want and do what I want. Apart from some of my work getting cancelled no one ever bothers me. A screenshot from a later telegram chat. Sam Parker says The ch7 reporter getting chanted at was pretty powerful too. Mary replies, I started that!!!! Sam responds, Good one! Mary continues, And then other people started shouting fake news. And she started talking like that was exactly the footage she wanted. And then the crowd all booed. And she ran away cox it was too epic to broadcast. Have you seen the report from channel 7? I haven't yet. Mary Manson continues, I will upload the moment the second group arrived chanting! Such a morale boosting moment!! Got arrested so I have to leave the city now but good luck everyone else, have a great day and see ya next week. Brian says, Problem is all the stall holders that lost turn over from this. Mary Manson says, I was at the protest last weekend and the week before but will have nothing to do with any protest organised by those CRINGE LARPERS from Guardian Angel. Just fucking KYS you are all complete embarrassments. Ry Irish responds, lol.

Racist, Anti-semitic, homophobic comments

Telegram chats where Mary Manson says, Just got told off by a dyke mum at work for assuming her kid had a dad. I hope she doesn't come back. Do these progressive cunts have any idea how unlikable they are? Continued, The more I think about yhe more I wonder if I should just come out and say straights only. We enforce traditional gender roles.

Telegram chats from 15 March where Mary Manson says, I hate Jews and I hate niggers and I have chinks. They can exist I guess. But I don't have to lkke them. R responds, I wonder how you'd fair if you were raised in that culture... to which Mary says, What culture? If I was Jewish? I'd be completely fucked in the head as they mostly are. R replies, Maybe cut them some slack then, hey?

Telegram chats from April 15. Mary Manson says, She moved all the money she raised into her personal bank account. She gave everyone the option to withdraw and my friend sent her an email explaining why she was withdrawing and Serena got mad about her reasons one of which was moving the money into her personal account and she asked for her money back. And since then Serena has not replied. R says, Yeah fair enough. She seems sincere, but also I won't say naive, but overly optimistic about litigating against the establishment in the establishment's courts. The only way to win is not to play. Extract yourself from the beast system. May says, Yeh that's what everybody says. But it would be better if we could just gas the jews and keep all our privileges.

Not even the Greeks were quite white enough for Alice McNamara.

A Telegram chat from 7 October 2020. Vampire Chook says, You'd think being brave enough to wear double denim he wouldn't need back up. Wonder if he gets to stitch a new patch on vis vest for this telegram campaign. I'm just surprised people don't call tim wilms a faggot more often online. Vampire Chook adds a screenshot of facebook comments, where Tahu Kohere says, You've never clarified, aren't you a gay Jew? and Tim Wilms replies, I'm same sex attracted but defs not a Jew. Mary Manson responds to this with, I called Medi a Greek nigger in his own chat. That's my only interaction.

Telegram chats continued, where Vampire chook links further facebook comments where Tré Bloodstone says, Actions speak louder than words though. Live the 14 words, don't jsut say them while black dudes are pounding your pooper for pay. Tilm Wilms has responded, Well there's no danger of getting a black dude pregnant. Tré Bloodstone's responded, I'm sure you'd give it a good crack though. Ozzy then responds to Mary's Greek nigger comment with, screen caps? also based. Mary says, wogs are difficult.

The end of Mary Manson.

A screenshot of telegram where someone with the profile name Mmncx responds to child of god, who's said Welcome back Mary, with Thanks I've had a pretty crazy day maybe I'll tell you about it in person. I think I'm good now though. Just had good reason to be paranoid suddenly.

Following contact from Nine Fairfax, Alice has changed her name on Telegram.

Update on 13 March 2020:

“The New Zealand Defence Force says a man who reportedly posted online about forming a terror cell in New Zealand is no longer serving in the military.

And it says it is confident the Defence Force has the systems in place to weed out any extremists in its ranks, after concerns that the Defence Force was being infiltrated by far-right activists. ... A NZDF spokeswoman confirmed that the man enlisted in the NZ Army as a private in 2014 but said he left in December 2016. His reasons for leaving the military were not known.”

NZ Defence Force says white supremacist is a former soldier by Isaac Davison, NZ Herald, 13 March 2020

We believe that misrepresenting yourself as still being enlisted in the military to neo-Nazis in chat rooms, despite leaving NZDF four years ago, may make you a valour thief Max Newsome.

See also:

NZDF hasn't reviewed extremist procedures by Marc Daalder, Newsroom, 12 March 2020

Over the last week, Action Zealandia members have been brought to the attention of authorities by the White Rose Society and anti-fascist researchers in Aotearoa including ParaDoxx. We have seen Action Zealandia members threaten worshippers at the Al Noor Mosque in Christchurch, share confidential police memos and, more recently, an anonymous member 'Matt' was exposed for planning to create a neo-Nazi terror group similar to American accelerationist neo-Nazi groups such as the Atomwaffen Division and The Base.

Action Zealandia member planned terror cell by Marc Daalder, Newsroom, 9 March 2020

We would like to introduce you to 'Matt', a leading figure from Action Zealandia who we believe is better known as Max Newsome from Palmerston North.

Meet 'Matt'. Meet Matt and Max Newsome's eyebrows.

'Matt' is a leader of Action Zealandia based in Palmerston North. He first came to our attention in a small, Australian-based neo-Nazi 'prepper' Telegram group chat where he was an admin. He frequently shared actions by his group Action Zealandia into the chat (gallery). He talked about acquiring firearms on the black market and he posted photos of his camping trip (gallery):

Action Zealandia and the Dominion Movement

Action Zealandia is a New Zealand neo-Nazi group who has come under increasing pressure from anti-fascists, anti-racists, and the state since late 2019. This was when one of their members, a New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) soldier, was arrested last December. The Linton soldier is subject to a name suppression in New Zealand and has since been charged with an “unauthorised disclosure of information” that is “likely to prejudice the security or defence of New Zealand”.

In the last week, Action Zealandia has again come to the attention of authorities and the media. 19-year-old member Sam Brittenden was arrested in relation to a threat to Al Noor Mosque in Christchurch which was distributed on a neo-Nazi channel in the encrypted app Telegram based in the Ukraine. 'Matt' was central to the effort to circulate this terror threat on Telegram (see gallery). Of course Al Noor is one of the mosques where an Australian neo-Nazi terrorist massacred 51 Muslim worshippers a year ago this week.

Action Zealandia emerged only months after the neo-Nazi group Dominion Movement shut down its activities and website in the wake of the Christchurch terrorist attack. Action Zealandia has tried to project a careful public image as an “identitarian” group and, unlike the Dominion Movement, has shied away from more explicit Nazi imagery. Despite Action Zealandia's “wholesome” activities such as gym workouts, hikes, and rubbish pickups, the recent exposure of three members to the public has revealed a more sinister and violent ideology. These members have networked with international neo-Nazi terrorists. They have fantasised and planned for accelerationism and “the boogaloo” (race war). They have promoted neo-Nazi James Mason's book 'Siege' as reading material. They've discussed buying guns on the black market. And they have made violent threats while LARPing in a 'Siege' or skull mask during a drive-by of the Al Noor mosque the week before the first anniversary of a terrible terrorist attack.

The Dominion Movement formed in February 2018 and was the first Identitarian group in New Zealand. It was modelled on the American Identitarian group Patriot Front and also the Australian Neo-Nazi group Antipodean Resistance. Until the Christchurch terrorist attacks, the Dominion Movement grew rapidly, forming branches in Auckland, Hamilton, Palmerston North and Wellington in the North Island as well as Nelson and Christchurch in the South Island. Its growth came through engaging in postering and stickering runs across New Zealand, organising group nature walks, banner drops, as well as participating in solidarity actions. Members “held a “Save the Boer” banner at an All Blacks v South Africa match in Wellington, referring to a false far-right claim that white Afrikaner farmers are being systematically murdered.”

The Dominion Movement also built international connections which included organising security for Canadian white supremacists Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux's thwarted tour to New Zealand in August 2018. After that failure, Dominion Movement members (including the Linton soldier) appeared on the Scottish alt-right Youtuber Millenial Woes' podcast in December 2018 as well as on the Australian fascist podcast The Dingoes in February 2019. Members also formed alliances with neo-fascist groups around the world, and met with Australian Identitarian group Identity Australia which is now known as Australian Revival in October 2018. The Dominion Movement met with Scandinavian neo-Nazis from the Nordic Resistance Movement in January 2019.

The Christchurch terrorist attacks forced the Dominion Movement to immeditely go underground. However, it only took four months for some of their members to reconvene and form Action Zealandia. They started small, portraying themselves as an all-male, white, patriotic fraternity such as the Lads Society in Australia. The 'new' group aimed to organise beach clean-ups, nature walks, and trips to historical landmarks. A re-branding of the now defunct Dominion Movement, Action Zealandia grew quickly and formed branches in the same locations (although the Wellington and New Plymouth branches didn't last long). The group really started to get going from September 2019 by engaging in postering and stickering runs across New Zealand, and in cleaning up graffiti. Less wholesome activities included vandalising National MP Jiang Yang's electorate office in Epsom and National MP Nick Smith's electorate office in Nelson.

Max Newsome alias 'Matt'

Note: 'Matt' is wearing an NZDF army beret.

While 'Matt' has never provided us with a full face dox, his posts in Telegram chats have provided us with many clues as to his identity. These include his life history, his distinctive eyebrows, the bridge of his nose, and his build. His Telegram profile pictures (see gallery) clearly confirm his alignment with both Action Zealandia and the now-defunct Dominion Movement. In order to identifiy this core member of both groups, we consulted with Paparoa, who have been tracking Action Zealandia and the Dominion Movement for some time. They put forward several possible candidates for 'Matt.' After much analysis, White Rose Society has settled on the one person with the same distinctive eyebrows and facial structure: Max Newsome.

Max Newsome, alias 'Matt', is a mid-20s man from Palmerston North who left school early to join the army, probably around 2014 or 2015 when a close friend of his also enlisted (not the NZDF soldier who has been detained and charged).

We have so far been unable to confirm whether Newsome is still serving in the NZDF as they have refused to comment. We note that in a Telegram chat as 'Matt', Newsome reported he was on a 'no-contact order' with the detained NZDF soldier.

Max Newsome came to the attention of anti-fascists in Aotearoa after he attended a Free Speech Rally in Wellington on 14 July 2018 with other members of Dominion Movement including the detained NZDF soldier, Mark Urry, David Toomath and Jarrad Randell-Walsh. This rally was in response to calls in Aotearoa to de-platform Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux ahead of their tour. (It was also timed to coincide with the jailing of British far-right activist Tommy Robinson who violated a court order and thus endagered justice for victims of sexual abuse).

Max Newsome and 'Matt' both have connections to the New Zealand Army, as shown by the military clothing they wear. Some of this clothing is not available to the public.

'Matt' and Max Newsome both travelled to Australia at the beginning of February 2020. Max was there for a family wedding. 'Matt' mentions being at Sydney Airport during the same period.

Max Newsome's Facebook Likes show a degree of radicalisation and engagement with far-right groups. He also follows the fascist, Identitarian organisation 'Australian Revival' (formerly 'Identity Australia') on Instagram. This is the group that Dominion Movement met with prior to being rebranded as Action Zealandia. Of course Max was a follower of Dominion Movement on Instagram before its account was deleted.

Max was also followed on Instagram by Sam Brittenden, the Action Zealandia member who recently made a terror threat to the Al Noor mosque. 'Matt' made a sympathetic reference to Brittenden's arrest. You can read the full chat with 'Matt' distributing the terror threat against the Al Noor Mosque and talking about his 'boy' who did it at this gallery.

'Matt' recently celebrated the release of Christchurch neo-Nazi Philip Arps from prison.

'Matt' mentioned meeting with Nordic Resistance Movement in a Telegram chat for supporters of the group. You can read screenshots of his chats in the NRM Supporters Chat at this link, this link and this link. Dominion Movement also met with Nordic Resistance Movement in January 2019, reporting it on this archived monthly report. Photos from the meetup were posted along with photos of group bonding joint stickering session:

Marc Daalder wrote:

“In other Telegram channels, Matt chatted with members of the far-right Nordic Resistance Movement, which is banned in Finland and has conducted bombings and attacked anti-racism and LGBT rights marches in other Nordic countries. He invited NRM members to visit New Zealand, promising to “take you on a pilgrimage route a saint did last year”, referencing a popular far-right meme depicting the alleged Christchurch gunman as a saint.”

Max Newsome's Instagram (made private since the story on Newsroom about 'Matt'), includes a photograph of him wearing a Wargus Christi singlet (the same far-right “male body culture” organisation that the Linton soldier belonged to).

Earlier this week, an Action Zealandia security manual was leaked by a member of Action Zealandia via Paparoa. Recently arrested Action Zealandia member Sam Brittenden appears to have heeded the advice of this manual in refusing to cooperate with a police search. However, even the intricacy and sophistication of the security manual failed to help Action Zealandia avoid detection.

Leaked 'security guidelines' reveals neo-Nazi plans to avoid detection by Thomas Manch and Florence Kerr, Stuff, 10 March 2020

Could this be Sam Brittenden from a recent Action Zealandia video climbing Mount Ruapehu?


'Matt' posted in a Telegram chat that he wanted to send a message of support and a prayer to members of The Base after a number of Base members were arrested for conspiring to murder an anti-fascist couple, as well as planning to disrupt the recent Virginia gun rights rally by shooting into the crowd and prompting a shooting spree. Further, 'Matt' also wrote on Telegram that he sought to start an Atomwaffen Division-esque network of terror cells across New Zealand. You can read 'Matt's' chats with an Atomwaffen Division Florida cell leader at this gallery. So far, the Atomwaffen Division has been responsible for over five murders, including that of a gay Jewish teenager, Blaze Bernstein. 'Matt' expressed similar violent homophobic views, including stating that he wanted to throw bricks into the crowds at Pride.

'Matt' casually chatted (gallery) with a leader of Lads Society Queensland and former Antipodean Resistance associate 'Graham Fowler' about 'Graham's' revenge fantasies to murder New Zealand journalist Patrick Gower. 'Matt' and 'Graham' planned to meet in New Zealand later this year.

Neo-Nazi accelerationist thought can be traced to James Mason, whose book Siege has been seminal for neo-Nazi accelerationists worldwide. In Siege, Mason proposes a strategy of decentralised cells enacting widespread white supremacist violence for the goal of setting off a 'race war'. Accelerationism is an ideology that has been accepted by many neo-Nazis internationally. Groups like The Base and the Atomwaffen Division in the US, Antipodean Resistance in Australia, and National Action in the UK, which originally formed on fascist forum IronMarch have embraced Siege culture and accelerationism. More recently, men's only clubs like Australia's Lads Society and Identitarian groups such as Action Zealandia and Australian Revival/Identity Australia have come to act as feeder groups into this insidious ideology.

Feeder groups can appear innocuous but are dangerous due to how effective they can be at radicalising members and mobilising them into action. Some examples include fascist gyms and Identitarian groups which act as a funnel into fascist violence. Far-right survivalist/'prepper' groups are at the more extreme end of this scale. Members start with 'relatively harmless' direct action such as picking up rubbish before participating in more violent activities like graffiti attacks against minorities or stickering with hate speech. At the more extreme end, groups have planned and carried out sabotage and even murder. Following the neo-Nazi accelerationist/Siege mentality, these groups operate as a means of building the capacity of neo-Nazi movements for widescale violence and terrorising vulnerable communities.

'Matt' spoke about creating a group called 'Southern Order' (see gallery) ​​​​​which never went public. It is unclear whether the group existed or if 'Matt' was attempting to accelerate the extremity of the political ideology within Action Zealandia. Considering 'Matt's' lone camping trips, his fantasies about violence against queer people, his weapons training, and his statements of violent intent (“I'm fuckin amped right now I wanna kill”), there is a clear and present danger that he is mentally and physically preparing himself for future “direct action” involving violence. 'Matt' has already mentioned his willingness to access weapons via the black market.

'Matt' only appears to have backed away from accelerationism after two of his comrades were arrested.

Atomwaffen Division encouraged members to join the armed forces for weapons training. The Base actively recruited members with military experience. It remains to be seen if Action Zealandia similarly encouraged newer members to join the military for weapons training in preparation for a 'race war'. First, the Linton soldier, now 'Matt' AKA Max Newsome.

We hope the New Zealand Defence Force is able to confirm whether Max Newsome, a violent neo-Nazi with international connections to terrorist groups, is currently enlisted in the army or the Reserves.

This researched was conducted and written in collaboration with anti-fascist researchers in Aotearoa including ParaDoxx.

We hope our research and writing serves to illustrate the international nature of accelerationism in the Pacific Region. Our ongoing research (forthcoming) on Australian (and some New Zealand) neo-Nazis and their groups reveals intimate connections to Atomwaffen Division, The Base, National Action, Azov Battalion, Order of Nine Angles, Nordic Resistance Movement and others. These are violent groups which need to be designated international terrorist organisations.

If you would like to provide information or tip-offs on any of the groups or individuals named or who feature in photographs in this post, please e-mail Paparoa at or us at We are especially interested in Max Newsome, Sam Brittenden, Action Zealandia and the Dominion Movement, and the individuals (named and unnamed) featured in group Dominion Movement photos.

Our love and solidarity to the Muslim community in Aotearoa and to all victims and survivors of white supremacist violence globally.

Never Again.

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“I know these issues come up all the time with you: racism, sexism, homophobia — I don't know how racism is ever raised with you given your background. It's just ridiculous.”

ABC journalist Barrie Cassidy during a publicity interview for Katter's 2012 book, An Incredible Race of People.

“I am Bob Katter and I am a proud western chauvinist.”

Bob Katter, 2017.

The far-right is a serious and present danger in Australia. However, strategies used by prominent far-right figures are effective in manipulating public opinion and the media by obscuring abhorrent political views with a big dose of the “true-blue Aussie bloke” character.

A case in point is the acceptance that Bob Katter enjoys as something of a folksy crank or 'leftist' 'hardman'. 

Katter is seen as a 'living meme', with each new incident or statement becoming public entertainment. This is despite his explicit, career-long commitment to ethno-nationalism, homophobia, misogyny, and general reactionary conservatism.

Katter's response to journalist Jason Wilson's story regarding his 2017 pledge of allegiance to the Proud Boys is a case in point. It provides an opportunity to address the ways in which concepts such as 'larrikinism' and 'mateship' have long been used in Australian political discourse to paper over the cultivating of lines of solidarity and protection amongst racists, misogynists, and homophobes, i.e., the very same conditions under which fascist groups such as the Lads Society, Identity Australia, True Blue Crew, and the Proud Boys seek to obtain legitimacy.

Katter uses appeals to ignorance and 'irresponsibility' to excuse his regular association with figures such as Blair Cottrell, Tom Sewell, Fraser Anning, and the Proud Boys. This whitewashes how closely his political commitments are aligned with the ideas and desires of the far-right.

One key factor in sustaining Katter's role as a mediator of reaction within the Australian mainstream is the support he receives from right-wing elements of the union movement and the ALP, both of whom attempt to use Katter to bolster the credentials of a supposed 'left-wing' nationalism.

Our history of Katter's political statements leads us to conclude that Katter's own brand of National Socialism is no less extreme than the political views espoused publicly by the Proud Boys, a group he recently denounced as extremists.

It is important not to underestimate the extent to which the Proud Boys in Australia overlap with – and are interconnected to – other far-right and fascist networks throughout Australia. On this point, we recommend this thread from slackbastard which details some of their connections.

Katter: ethno-nationalist, misogynist, homophobe

Bob Katter is an explicit ethno-nationalist who has long advocated the idea that “Australians” are a distinct race whose reproduction is threatened by the combined forces of immigration, abortion, and homosexuality.

In 1995 Katter declared that: “I will try, as I always do whenever I speak these days, to bring this nation’s attention to probably the most important thing: put simply, we belong to a vanishing race.” In 2002 Katter is quoted as saying, “What is so wrong with the Australian nation that it has decided to eliminate itself from the gene pool,” a line that he repeated again in 2012 in a media article on his book, An Incredible Race of People. The book itself opens with a poem by Mary Gilmore, a racist nineteenth-century labour activist who was part of a group of ethno-socialists who travelled to Paraguay in 1893 in an attempt to establish a white-only utopia, a history that Katter himself is well aware of.

Katter’s misogyny and biological racism come together in his arguments against abortion. In 2006, for instance, he argued against the abortion drug RU486 on the grounds that immigrants were not capable of reproducing “Australians”. On this point, it is worth noting that Ben Shand — the Proud Boys “President of Ipswich” — is himself a militant anti-abortionist, in line with his Christofascist, Pentecostal beliefs. He and other members of the Proud in Queensland members attended the 'March For Life' rally in Brisbane in September 2018, protesting against decades overdue abortion law reform. Katter's thoughts on the relationship between abortion, immigration, and decline of the “Australian race” are also comparable to a number of Proud Boys tenets, including explicit Western chauvinism, the closing of borders, and the “veneration of the housewife”. In Shand's own words, this latter idea implies that “there should be a time in every woman's life where they are a mother, where they are at home with kids, looking after kids.”

Katter’s record of homophobic statements is well known amongst mainstream commentators but is generally excused or euphemised as part of his 'maverick' identity. What is less often acknowledged is the extent to which Katter's homophobia is tied in with his ethno-nationalist beliefs, connections that are of course there for anyone who cares to look into them.

In a 2008 speech on superannuation equality for same-sex couples, for instance, Katter argued that “People have belief systems because they are important for the survival of the race and the survival of the tribe. If homosexuality is a fashion statement, it is a very dangerous fashion statement and it is at the present moment in Australia. … We have chosen a values system that says that we do not have children, and other races have chosen a value system that says that they do.” In the same speech, Katter goes on to say that “I think it is everyone's duty to reflect upon the fact that the sort of viewpoint that I have must win in the end because the other viewpoint leads to the non-survival of the race.” This sentiment is coupled with Katter's view of homosexuals as inherent vectors of disease and degeneration. In 1994, for instance, he is quoted as saying that “New South Wales ... has its gay Mardi Gras and skites about all the people that came out from San Francisco, the city of a million people and 20,000 AIDS cases, presumably to bring their pestilence and plague with them.”

As with the issue of abortion, Katter's homophobia overlaps with a number of Shand's own homophobic views, the two having met as part of the Queensland Proud Boys participation in an anti-marriage equality gathering in Brisbane in 2017. It was at this event that the Proud Boys made the video recording of Katter's “Western chauvinist” pledge that featured in the recent Guardian story. This clearly demonstrates the extent of the mutual appeal between Katter and the fascist far-right, one grounded in a shared political outlook rather than ignorance or happenstance. It is also noteworthy that the Proud Boys do accept the membership of both cisgender (exclusively) gay men and men of colour — a fact that Shand uses to launder his bigoted views and associations with other white supremacists, such as Fraser Anning and Blair Cottrell.

First image, Ben Shand interviewing Blair Cottrell, one of Australia's most infamous neo-Nazis.
Second image, professional homophobe, Australian Conservatives senate candidate for Queensland, and general reactionary bottom-feeder Lyle Shelton hanging out with members of the Queensland Proud Boys including Jordan Clayton-Nelson and Dan Schy. Standing behind them is fundamentalist Christian hate preacher Dave Pellowe.
In case it doesn't go without saying, being a “bloke who is sick of PC nonsense” is less a counterpoint to being a Nazi than it is an entry level requirement for being one.

On the question of political alignment, Katter likes to portray himself as a rough-and-tumble member of the “hard left”. His true views on the relationship between labour and capital, however, share next to nothing in common with the ideas of radical leftist politics. Rather, many of the ideas that Katter tries to present as 'leftist' are attributable to a deeply conservative variety of social corporatism. This doctrine of hierarchical social relations has been historically favoured by the Catholic Church, Benito Mussolini, and reactionary socialists who oppose notions of class conflict. In his first speech in the Federal Parliament in 1993, Katter stated that “private ownership was the great bulwark of protection against the excesses of government and of bullies of all types and of collectives in our society today.” In the same speech he derides the ideas of Karl Marx and points to Russia, “the great basket case of the planet”, as evidence of the failure of Das Kapital. Clearly, Katter's critique of Marx is grounded in Katter's own conservatism, rather than in any recognisably 'leftist' tradition of thought.

Katter’s conception of property institutions is equally grounded in his own ethno-nationalist commitments, having stated that “The English had private ownership centuries before any other race.” Katter's claims to embody the ideals of a “hard left” are therefore based on little more than a commitment to supporting the most reactionary inclinations of the Australian labour movement, in partnership with the interests of a supposedly non-exploitative form of 'Australian' capitalism. On examination, Katter's 'leftism' turns out to be less 'hard' than it is white, authoritarian, and capitalist.

Unions and ALP for Katter

Bob Katter has long enjoyed the support of both mainstream unions and leading figures of the Australian Labor Party (ALP). Katter is particularly close with recently elected ALP leader Anthony Albanese. Katter openly and wholeheartedly backed Albanese's bid for party leadership, particularly against the early interest of Tanya Plibersek, whom Katter blamed for the ALP's electoral losses in Queensland. As reported by the ABC, Katter's support for Albanese rests on over 21 years worth of mutual affection between the two, with Albanese having described Katter as “one of the great characters of the national parliament ... He's a mate of mine and I am proud to say that. He is a fair-dinkum bloke.”

Amongst the unions, Katter and his party — Katter's Australia Party (KAP) — have received substantial forms of finacial and political support, including from the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU), the CFMEU (Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union), the Electrical Trades Union (ETU), and the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA). The CFMEU is notable amongst this group as one of several unions who have been instrumental in the ALP's adoption of Tony Abbott's refugee turnback policy and shutting down debate on reforms to asylum seeker policy within ALP. These same policies have themselves inspired support and imitation from a number of neo-Nazi groups across Europe.

In financial terms, between 2011 and 2016 the CFMEU and ETU Victoria donated a combined total of no less than $300,000 worth of members money to the KAP. Notable amongst these records was a $25,000 donation from the CFMEU that came 6 months after Katter had appeared in a photo-op with well-known neo-Nazis from the United Patriots Front (now Lads Society). They met at a rally for dairy farmers which the UPF had attempted to hijack. Tom Sewell (in the background of the photo below), once tried to recruit Brenton Tarrant, the neo-Nazi terrorist responsible for the Christchurch attacks.

Left to right: neo-Nazi Blair Cottrell, MP Bob Katter, neo-Nazi Tom Sewell

In August of 2018 the ETU was reported to have distanced itself from KAP after Katter lent his full-bodied support to Fraser Anning's infamous “final solution” speech. While no statement was recorded from the CFMEU at that time, such details did not hold back union leaders such as Luke Hilakari from posturing over the unfounded assumption that the Australia union movement are undivided in their opposition to fascism. While that particular scandal brought many a concerned and surprised voice from out of the woodwork, the record of Katter's statements previously outlined indicates that reactions on the part of many politicians, media, and union leaders were more often contrived and opportunistic than they were credible.

True to form, less than a year later, Sally McManus and Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) preferenced KAP and the Democratic Labor Party (DLP) above the Australian Greens in Capricornia in the 2019 Federal Election. The Katter family have a long association with the DLP dating back to Katter's father Bob Sr., who once held membership. Katter Sr. went on to join the National Party and win his seat on the third count thanks to preferences from the DLP. McManus and the ACTU's electoral strategy spectacularly backfired.

Leading up to the Federal Election in 2019, the ABC revealed the neo-Nazis working on staff for then independent Senator Fraser Anning. This went unremarked upon by both the ALP and ACTU. A number of fascists and right-wing micro parties campaigned and organised alongside each other in Queensland prior to the election, including a now infamous BBQ and campaign event with members of fascist group True Blue Crew and candidates and members from Fraser Anning's Conservative National Party, Great Australia Party, Katter's Australia Party, Pauline Hanson's One Nation (PHON), Shooters, Fishers and Farmers and Independent candidate Sandy Turner. The event was promoted by former Queensland One Nation President Jim Savage, who allegedly told Fraser Anning to “say something really controversial, really hit that nerve” to draw attention to his maiden speech. Media attention post-BBQ resulted in PHON banning their members from associating with True Blue Crew, despite a history of shared membership in their Queensland supporter and voter base. Union members in Queensland have turned out in large numbers many times in the past to oppose fascists and racists, but during the Federal Election in 2019 this anti-fascist union activity was noticably absent — despite candidates from right-wing micro parties making up a majority of the ballot. 

In sum, Bob Katter's dismissal of his loyalty oath to the Proud Boys as “larrikinism” is little more than a convenient cover for his own brand of National Socialism. Far from being a victim of the Proud Boys antics, Katter's politics and values were aligned with the Proud Boys' before any of them, including Gavin McInnes, were even born. Katter's ability to dodge the repercussions of his ethno-nationalist views and fascist hookups can be chalked up largely to the support that he receives from the Australian media, union leadership, and political class, who continue to find comfort in Katter's blokey authoritarianism.

While this support continues to hold, far-right groups such as Proud Boys will be able to derive legitimacy from the interest and support of mainstream political figures.

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